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Hoseok and his family finally reached home and everyone started to disperse towards their own rooms as they were all tired.Hoseok went back to his room and just threw himself in his small yet clean bed.He started to wonder where he had seen the man that they saved earlier, he definitely had seen him.

Everything was going just fine for Hoseok's family until one day there was a guest at their place. Hoseok had just woke up from sleep and was heading towards the kitchen when he saw that there were three neatly-dressed people(three men) who was chatting with Mr and Mrs.Jung.Hoseok was confused and went down to see what was happening, as he went down his father quickly ran towards him and said,"Hoseok, do you remember last time when we saved one man on the road" to which Hoseok just nodded,'well, his father continued, "He is the President of the ANA, do you know it?, Hoseok was taken aback by what his father just said, ofcourse who did not ANA, the largest company in entire of Seoul alongside bighit.Hoseok had heard a lot about him and had also heard that his wife has a second husband too.He had only one son and that too who had his own company and was well known among the youngest business tycoon of the world.Hoseok was brought to reality when his father  started talking again,"The president is so much thankful towards us that he decided to sponser your education" Hoseok quite didnt understand so he asked in a confused way,"Meaning", "Meaning, from tomorrow onwards you will not be going to that old school of yours but you will attend Seoul National university" his father said all smiling.Hoseok felt as if he was flying in the sky, Seoul National university, something which Hoseok didn't even dream about. He knew how hard it was to get into that university,  this was more then he could have asked for.He was the happiest person on the entire planet at the moment.He thanked those people who had come there.They had brought everything that was needed for tommorow, from new cloths to shoes,books,bags,everything that he needed.Hoseok quickly ran up to his room and was all smily and merry. He first called his best friend, Namjoon.Namjoon was a rich kid, he also use to attend Seoul National university but he was still friends with Hoseok because Hoseok had been there for him when no one else was."Hello" said Namjoon, Hoseok suddenly shouted making Namjoon a little scared,"Guess what" he said excitedly "What" Namjoon also said excitedly," From tomorrow we are going to the university together" "huh" was the reply. Hoseok told him the entire story and after he was done, Namjoon  got so excited and said," That is amazing, we will be attending the same university, what more better then that" he said. Both of them were super happy.
NEXT MORNING, Hoseok got up all smiling, "its a new start" he said to himself. He went down made breakfast, washed up, got dressed(he was too excited to put on new cloths),and by that time it was already 7:30, he had to reach the university by 8:15, he went down ,had his breakfast, got blessings from his parents and got out of the house, where Namjoon was already there waiting for his best friend.Namjoon had his own car and they headed towards the university.Hoseok could not believe his eyes when they finally arrived, it was the most beautiful thing that he had ever seen in his entire life. They got inside the gate and people were giving them 0 attention. Sadly, Hoseok and Namjoon were not at the same class.Bell rang, Namjoon showed Hoseok the way to the staff room and left for his class quickly. Hoseok nervously entered the staff room and was figuring out what to do when someone came towards him,"You must be the new student" "yes" ,"oh!I am your homeroom teacher and you can call me Mr.Choi" "okay" hoseok answered nervously, " now, follow me". Hoseok quietly nodded and went after his teacher. They arrived behind one large door where Mr. Choi asked Hoseok to wait outside and come inside when called, hoseok nodded. After about 5 minutes, Hoseok was called inside and he entered, head all down not even once looking up."Students, he is a new transfer student and will be your classmate from today, Introduce yourself",  Hoseok was sweating like crazy but still he spoke all nervous," Annyeonghaeseyo, My name is Jung Hoseok", he couldn't speak furthur."Okay, students, treat him well"Mr choi said. Mr.Choi started looking around for empty places where Hoseok could sit. Finally, he said,"Oh there, go and sit beside him". Hoseok looked up to where his teacher was pointing and saw a very cold look staring at him.He looked as if he was just so disgusted."Yoongi,treat Hoseok well" Mr.Choi said.
So his name is Yoongi, Hoseok thought and started walking towards the person who looked as if he wanted to kill Hoseok right away.

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