The first Love

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Hoseok quietly went up to where he was assigned. He went and sat next to Yoongi, his first love.Hoseok had never seen someone as beautiful as Yoongi. He had never fallen in love before nor had been on any relationships.Yoongi was first crush and love. Hoseok was more then happy.He went and sat next to the cold boy, who just gave damn to the person next to him. Hoseok, innocently said,"Hi Yoongi, I am Hoseok!I hope we get along well", "Keep your nose out of my business and dont even come near me"Yoongi gave a sharp reply which hurt Hoseok badly.For the entire day, there was only one person talking and that was Hoseok, he was trying to get along with Yoongi but Yoongi, as cold as ice didn't even bother to even give one look to Hoseok.'I wonder why is he like this, there must be a reason' Hoseok thought.And like that, Hoseok's first day in his new university was over. Hoseok went back home only to find that there were some guest at their place.He went inside and was taken aback when his father told him that they would be living separately, those people had come from ANA and the president had arranged an apartment for Hoseok which was near his University, that way Hoseok didn't have to bother Namjoon to come pick him up everyday nor had to take the trouble of taking bus everyday. Hoseok at first declined the offer but his parents told him that it was for his own good and they would often come to meet him. Hoseok was not happy with the thought of leaving his family but had to agree because his parents told him to. The ANA people told Hoseok had they would come tomorrow  early in the morning, so whatever he had to pack should be done by tonight. The family of three sat for dinner, they had all kinds of food today, Hoseok felt bad thinking that this was the last meal he was having with his family and he would be having another meal with his family god knows when. They all wished good night to each other and went to sleep. Hoseok was the first person to get up the other day, he washed up and got dressed as he thought those people might be here any minute. He was just sitting on a sofa checking out new songs when his mother came out of her room and directly went to kitchen to make some things for her dear son. She had made a pickle out of raw mango and niclely packed it for her son. As for breakfast, Hoseok said he wont have any, so she thought she would cook for her husband and herself afterwards. In about 20 minutes, there were people who came to take Hoseok to his new own house. His father was still sleeping so he thought it would be best not to disturb, he waved goodbye to his mother  and left his precious house. On the way, The man in the front seat said,"Sir, we will take care of all of your stuffs and also arrange your house, as for now you should directly go to the university because you might get late", 'then how will i go back after my classes are over if i dont know my house '"dont worry sir, one of us will come pick you up", "Please, just call me Hoseok" hoseok said quite shy. They dropped Hoseok infront of his university gate and told Hoseok to take care. Hoseok nodded and got out of the car not knowing what to do.He slowly started moving towards his university. He looked around and saw Namjoon waving at him. He quickly ran towards him.
"Namjoon, do you believe in love at first sight" asked Hoseok nervous, "Ofcourse, i do, i have heard it happens "Namjoon said quite shocked by Hoseok's question, "why? Do you like someone? ,"No, i was just asking " was the reply. They were walking when suddenly the bell rang, both of them went towards their own classes. Hoseok entered the class and saw Yoongi sitting calmly with headphones plugged in. Hoseok quickly went to his place and sat all smiling, he looked at Yoongi who didnt even seem to notice him which hurt Hoseok.Hoseok just decided to remain silent. Classes started and Hoseok started to take notes but Yoongi didnt seem to care about the class either. Later at lunch, Hoseok was going towards Namjoon's table running when he bumped unto someone,YOONGI. Yoongi looked at Hoseok  with so much hatred on his eyes that Hoseok got a little scared.  Girls around there started cursing Hoseok, all girls fan of Yoongi. Hoseok got nervous and quickly apologized and followed Yoongi towards the washroom. As they were going, Yoongi turned around and almost shouted,"why the heck are you following me?," who wants to follow you" Hoseok said sharply "I am just going to wash myself,  afterall it was not like only i dropped the food, you also did" saying this Hoseok pushed Yoongi a little knowingly and went forward. Both were washing themselves when Hoseok broke the silence"Is there any reason for you to be behaving like this,  i mean you can be good right! Yoongi gave Hoseok an irritated look and said"Mind your own business" and left leaving Hoseok completely shut.Hoseok was now starting to get angry but there was not much he could do to Yoongi.
Hoseok got out of the car and took a deep  breath admiring the picture in front of him"His new house", it was so big, so fresh and so beautiful.Hoseok happily started moving towards his new home when he heard a sound of someone saying something. He moved closer to the voice and figured out that it was a sound of someone crying over his wound. Hoseok moved more closer and in between the beautiful roses, there was one man who was on the ground with a wound on his knee. "Excuse me! Said Hoseok the man looked up and Hoseok was shocked at how pretty the man was. He was the perfect figure but Hoseok already had Yoongi in his heart,"Yes" the man replied with a husky voice, "May I help you" ,"Oh no, its ok-, Hoseok lifted the man up and put his hands around his hip while taking the mans hand on his shoulder.The man was shocked with the good behaviour of the unknown boy."Hi, i am Hoseok" keeping the man on the sofa and started looking around.The man smiled,"I am Taehyung,
     KIM TAEHYUNG." The man said.

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