4. Preference: The First Date

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- He sneaked you into the Crestmont when it had shut for the night. You two had the movie theatre to yourselves and could watch anything and do anything you wanted.

- He taught you how to make popcorn and slushies behind the counter.


- He took you to the carnival at night time. You rode on the Ferris wheel with his arm around you and he won stuffed animals for you in the arcade games.

- At the top of the Ferris wheel, he said "I'm having a good time, maybe we could go out again sometime" and you replied with "I think we'll be going out a lot of more times."


-  He bought you dinner at Rosie's Diner and sat on the same side of the booth as you, so he could be closer to you.

- After dinner, you two went on a walk and came across a empty basketball court and he ended up teaching you how to play. 


- He took you to the Homecoming dance as your first date. You wore a beautiful Y/F/C dress, and he wore a matching tie. You danced together all night, and when he went to talk to Clay he said "she's the best, I really like her man."

- He drove you home, and met your parents. Of course they love him, he's a gentleman.


- He took to you the river bank, and you guys sat on the bonnet of his car and talked until the sun came down. You guys brought a picnic with you and had dinner on the side of the water.

- At the end of the date, he asked you to prom with a huge sign and flowers. You hugged him, and said yes.


- He sneaked you out of class, by saying you were needed in the office. You guys ran out to his car, and he drove you to Monet's. You two shared a iced coffee and talked.

- "So do you think you could get me out of biology tomorrow?" you said, giggling. He smiled, put his hand on yours and said "I'll see what I can do."

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