𝐟 𝐢 𝐯 𝐞

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Sunday was spent sulking and working. The working was typical. The sulking was not. I slept fitfully and on Monday woke looking like one hundred and fifteen…okay, fine, one hundred and seventeen pounds of shit. Of course I did, because I was going to Dallas. Being flown there by Lisa. Thank you, Murphy and fuck your stupid law.

I cold-compressed my face while simultaneously having a session with the magic bullet, hoping to relax. Perhaps a bad idea, because all it did was highlight the fact that the battery-operated thing supplying my orgasm was not Lisa Manoban.

I arrived at the airport early and tried desperately to calm my nervous flutter before boarding. It was like being fifteen all over again. No, it was worse because now I knew all the implications and possibilities. I thought about passing her a note: CasualMutual Orgasms? Y/N? If Y, please indicate when you will be available. Like now?

Joy pounced as I came through the door, taking my jacket and inquiring about my weekend. I responded, added a question of my own to be polite and turned to the open cockpit. “Good morning, Captain Manobqn.”

She was cool and professional, but it didn’t stop her eyes roaming as she greeted me. “Good morning, Ms. Kim.”

I dragged my last ounce of professionalism from the depths of my brain—where it was trying desperately to stay afloat in a sea of dirty thoughts—nodded and walked to my seat. I could do this. I could be near her. I could do my job, let her do hers and we’d all be fine.

My resolve crumbled about thirty minutes after takeoff when Joy asked if anyone wanted coffee. Lisa responded, a little too loudly, that she’d like some with sugar because she was in the mood for something sweet this morning. She turned around and stared at me, those full lips formed into a seductive smile.

The flight was perhaps one of the most uncomfortable experiences of my life, and I wondered idly if every flight from now on was going to be me with my thighs jammed together, trying not to think about what I knew was hidden under her captain’s uniform.

We landed at Dallas Executive Airport just before nine a.m. and I fled from the plane like my ass was on fire, throwing a hurried thank you toward the cockpit then rushing down the stairs. If I’d lingered, if I’d looked at her, if she’d given me one indication, then I would have been lost. I turned to stare out the window as we drove off, craning my neck to catch a glimpse of her. I saw nothing.

My client took me to lunch and I endured hours of mind-numbing conversation, unfunny jokes and mediocre wine that I barely touched. A long time ago, Mama instilled in me the art of feigning interest, and I’d fine-tuned my social skills to a point where I could rise to the top of most situations. In this case, Mama’s insistence on manners meant I ended up walking away with another three mil to play with and an increase in my commission. Not bad, but I was still out of sorts for the rest of the day. I kept my earphones in and the music loud for the midafternoon flight back to New York and threw my thanks at Captain Manoban as I half-sprinted from the jet.

Back in the office, I stared aimlessly out the window at the evening sky and tried to figure out what was wrong. Everyone but Mark and me had left for the day and the peaceful atmosphere should have been soothing. But it felt lonely. I came to the conclusion that my problem was that I was unhappy with my decision to stay away from her. All day, every time I thought I’d pushed Lisa aside, she climbed back up into my consciousness.

I was electrified by her, electrified by thinking about our night together. My stomach curled. Dammit. At this rate, I’d be spending my increased commission on batteries for the Rabbit.

Mark poked his head through my doorway. “Come downstairs for a drink?”

It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him I didn’t feel like socializing, but something in his expression stopped me. He seemed almost contrite and a little sad. Both things were strange. I nodded. “Sure. Meet you down there in five.” I batted down unruly hair, checked makeup and left the office for the bar on the ground floor of our building.

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