𝐬 𝐢 𝐱

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As we taxied into the hangar at Teterboro after my day of meetings, my main driver, Chaerin called. I’d barely managed a greeting before she rushed to explain that the car had mechanical problems and the other company car was currently on its way to Stamford, dropping Mark off for a personal matter. AKA, a booty call. It’d be at least two and a half hours until it could make a turn around to come fetch me.

“Ms. Kim, I’m so sorry. The Triple-A truck is just loading it up now, but there are no auto shops open at this time of night. I’m close to the airport, and once it’s on its way, I’ll take a cab and come get you.”

Chaerin and I had a relationship that resembled protective aunt and niece. I liked it. The effort she wanted to go to in order to escort me home was very sweet, and also amusing because I was perfectly capable of catching a taxi without assistance.

My heels tapped a sharp rhythm on the hangar floor. “Don’t even worry about it, CL. Can’t be helped and I’m fine. I can catch a cab home myself.” Quicker to do that than try to arrange another limo company at this time of night and such short notice.

“Are you sure, Ms. Kim?”

“Absolutely. You go home and see if you can catch the end of the game.”

“Well…okay then. If you’re really sure. You take care and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“You too, good night.” I continued through into the terminal building where I was assaulted by the smell of coffee. One wouldn’t hurt. After a pit stop for takeaway caffeine, I made my way toward the door leading out to the cab rank.

“I hope that’s decaf, Jennie.” Lisa Manoban had stealthy appearances down to a fine art.

My head snapped up to where she was standing a few feet away, carrying a small backpack and staring expectantly at me. “Decaf? No. That goes against my moral code.”

“Really? I suppose you’re right. I seem to recall you have no trouble falling asleep.”

Actually, I did lately and it had everything to do with the non-stop Lisa Manoban sex show in my head. My tongue was stuck to the roof of my mouth so I settled for shaking my head. Lisa hiked the backpack up onto her shoulder. “Is everything all right? I would have expected you to be on your way home by now.”

“Oh, yes. Just some car troubles. I’m going to catch a cab.”

She frowned slightly. It was on the tip of my tongue to ask her to join me, but before I could she gestured toward the doors. “Can I walk you out?”

What would be the harm? It’s not like anything could happen between here and just outside the doors. “Sure. I’d like that.”

Lisa grasped the strap of my laptop bag, her fingers brushing mine. “Can I carry this for you?”

My hand stilled. “You can but, uh you don’t need to. It’s not necessary, I mean I can carry it myself.”

She studied me, smiling again as though she was amused by my waffling. “I know. Bag carrying is definitely not included in my contractual duties. But I have a free hand, so why not?”

I weighed up pros and cons, and released the bag. “Thank you.”

We walked together silently, stopping a little way outside the exit. Lisa stared down the street then back at me. “I’d offer you a ride home but I only have a motorcycle and one helmet, and you don’t have any gear.” She looked legitimately upset about it, and it was quite possibly one of the cutest things I’d seen.

“You have a bike?” Great question, Jennie. She just said she did, but she didn’t seem the type. I was beginning to look and sound really fucking dumb. It was like she sucked all my IQ points out of my ears whenever she looked at me. Or sent blood from my brain to other, greedier parts of my body. Parts that were picturing her on a motorcycle, her long legs gripping it. Leather-clad. Controlling the rumbling machine. I made a mental note to explore the fantasy at a later, more appropriate time.

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐭 || ᴊᴇɴʟɪsᴀTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon