Lies have been Seen

387 11 3

Aaron's POV

"Aaron~Kun? Why are you here?"
"Oh, hey Kawaii~Chan, I know Aphmau isn't home but she left her sweatshirt at my house a few days ago." I see Kawaii~Chan squeal a little bit.
   "Alright, Kawaii~Chan will go put it in her room!" Kawaii~Chan takes the hoodie and starts to go upstairs.
   "Kawaii~Chan? Who are these Friends Aphmau's with?"
   Kawaii~Chan squeals again, "They're friends from her Middle School!" I say goodbye and close the door. I walk home and think about what I've figured out. Aph isn't with some middle school friends. Which means she's lied to all of her friends. I may be the only one who knows this but, Aphmau was homeschool in middle school so she wouldn't have any friends from that time. She told me herself back in highschool. The real question is why Aph would lie to everyone. And did she not think about me knowing this? Maybe I'll talk to her tomorrow.
Author's Note

IM SOOO SORRYY!!!! Also I'm sorry this episode is short but I didn't know what else to do with Aaron. This was just to show he knew something was happening.

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