The Might of Melidrax

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Sometimes when you wake up, the first expectation you have is to be greeted by what's familiar. Today I woke up, and nothing's familiar. But that doesn't mean it isn't welcomed. The last thing I could recall before heading to bed the night before, was having a conversation with Kasper. Now don't get me wrong, I love him to death, but the way he talked last night irritated me somehow. Maybe it was the way he seemed to think he knew better than I did when it came to Jackie. At the same time though, he's just being a good friend. There's a mirror by the bed and I give myself a good long look. Aside from the clothes that I would never choose to wear back on earth, I pretty much still look like myself. The scar on my ankle looking pretty sick, of course that's in retrospect to what it looked like when I got it. Sounds of cutlery, glasses, and other kitchen-like sounds could be heard just on the other side of the door. I assume it's the breakfast service the inn has. I could use a few bites of food, but I'm not sure if what Willow paid for covers that.

There's a knock on my door, and after running a hand through my hair, I open it. I'm greeted by a cute Spanish girl wearing a fur coat just a little too big for her frame, and her usually curly hair temporarily straightened by water. It's Jackie, and she's just taken a bath. She doesn't smell at all like any of the soaps she'd use back at the apartment, it's more tame this time, but at least it's a lot better than any of the Jarlonians (I've asked Willow) walking around. "Good morning, cutie." She smiles at that. Good.

Jackie pats at my chest once, "You better freshen up. Willow wants to have a meeting over breakfast."

"Over breakfast? I don't even get to enjoy my food?" My lips form a grin, eyes carefully watching her while she laughs.

"It's free breakfast. Don't complain."

I pull away from her and reach for the towel sprawled on the bed. "Where's the guys?"

"Lane's already involved himself with a whole bunch of people, and Kasper's still sleeping."

I don't doubt that. I bet he spent the rest of last night outside, thinking about things that he shouldn't. "Do you need me to wake him?"

Jackie shakes her head. "No, I'll do it. Take a bath, I'll deal with him." She swings her hand like she was holding a baseball bat, and pops her mouth, miming the act of whacking Kasper awake.

"Don't kill him."

"I'll try not to."

After a decently long bath, I find Lane warming up against a Laethorian who doesn't at all look anything like a Jarlonian. Very human-like in appearance similar to Willow, and the king. Regular Laethorians as I like to call them. I'm not taking any time to memorize her features because I know moments from now she'll simply be forgotten. Willow, is sitting on a table situated on a corner of the room, acting as the only booth of the establishment. For now, I leave Lane to his devices and join Willow.

"Good mornin'." She utters just as I take my seat across from her.


"How was yer sleep?" I'm not sure if I appreciate her formalities, especially since she has absolutely no reason to be acting so nice, but I make sure she doesn't get the sense that it bothers me.

I take a deep breath, and exhale just as much. "It's the waking up part that hits different, you know?"

She questions my words with a look, so I explain myself.

"Sleeping is easy. It's just like every other day. But waking up is weird. You expect to wake up in your bed, in your house, but you don't."

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