Before the Storm

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The wind is colder than usual. Don't misunderstand, being at the highest peak of a mountain in the middle of winter could put the term absolute zero to shame, but something heralds a different sentiment tonight, as if something forebodes the coming of another. Like a calm before the storm. It's possible dwelling on it would be too naive for me to do, seeing as auras and energies are supposed to be my specialty. I brush off the familiar pang of fear, for I know that I need it not. Fear would be my weakness in the face of Underhell's armies.

I will control fear.

"Noriel." Sezarina calls out my name, and she's fully equipped to take legions upon legions. Suffice it to say, although I was not blessed with more physical strength as she, and Melidrax were, My own set of armor can more than serve their purpose. "We're waiting on you."

"Save Kasper Moone, and then we venture to Gaothanne, yes?" I need her to confirm for me one more time before I commit. A part of me wants to hear her devotion to what we have to do. In my experience, she falters at times. Fighting demons needs more than just half-baked intentions.

"Correct." her voice is flat and dull. I don't find the need to question it, but I'm intrigued by her lack of spunk.

If only saving a soul from the Underhell, and moving on to Gaothanne was as simple as it is to say, then perhaps everything else would go on without a hitch. Stories about heroes and warriors are often told in children's books, as well as fiction novels, but here, tonight, five will turn fiction into reality. The question, however, is whether or not all survive to tell the tale. I suppose it's too early to say. This is the will of Othera, and, she has not failed me since. I have put my faith in her, and will continue to do so. "Very well." Even if it means the accountability of death.

Every single Outlander is stationed along the portal doors. An archway made of Exantarian gem --only found in the deepest depths of the Underhell-- stands before all other gifted mortals. Lokasenna, presumably the most idiotic of the bunch, has duplicated himself, while a copy of him adjusts the string across the leather padding on his torso, as the real one talks about how good looking the other is. Narcissism is a trait that isn't hard to come by, but difficult to internalize. At this point, I've assumed that it's become a part of his lifestyle. Two daggers hang at his hips, I worry that he wouldn't know how to use them. Melidrax has been suited with the finest armor crafted by the hands of Cassinvarya, and Kohrladin's finest blacksmiths. It's easy to tell with the encrusting of gold along the edges of silver steel. Most swords and arrows would find it difficult to penetrate through it's thick hide. More impressively, however, is the large saber strapped behind his back. Thanks to the armor, he stands taller than he used to. His helmet is fitted perfectly on his head, a small slit reveals his eyes, vertical slits allow access for him to breathe. And then there's Jacqueline. When I used to speak with her, she had a strange obsession with learning Archery. She was never the best, I'd even go as far as to say that she was rather lacking in terms of skill. Tonight, however, a bow, as well as a quiver filled to the brim with arrows rest upon her shoulders, a brown cape flowing from neck down to just above her waist.Once can only hope, her mind is stronger than whatever Underhell may throw her way.

With the exception of Lokasenna, there's a quality of despair in the air. Mayhaps, I'm simply imagining things to better suit how I view these Outlanders. Willow has decided to join us, and I have yet to make up my mind about her inclusion being a notice of her lack of trust in our potential as Laethora's saviors, or that she has her own business that requires her attention in the Underhell. It isn't likely of me to purposefully plant seeds of doubt, and much less is it my characteristic to point my finger and paint another as untrustworthy, but Willow's insistence of accompanying us in the Underhell has caused me to be largely aware of her presence. For better or for worse.

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