Manifest Destiny

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Kasper's dead?

There's nothing else flowing through my head except for the sheer anger that I feel. I don't let it get the best of me, because I feel like it's starting to scare Jackie. With good reason too. Earlier, when they tried to take Kasper's body away, I nearly killed Ischell -- or whatever his name is. if it wasn't for Lane, multiple versions of Lane, I might have just committed my first murder. I owe him a great deal, but I also know it is the worst time for me to approach anybody. Especially if the slightest egging would set me over the edge, and, well, Lane isn't exactly the most straightforward person to talk to. Even if he is just as struck with grief as everyone else is. Is it crazy for me to be thinking that every consecutive person who'd walk through the door would be Kasper? That each and every time someone tries to make sure I'm okay, it's him behind the door? I haven't shed a single tear, not because I don't care, but because I'm so fueled by anger that I can't even begin to cry.

There's another knock.

This time, it isn't Jackie or Lane. It's Willow. My mouth moves before I could will it to stop. "What do you want?"

"I wanted to check up on you."

"Get in line."

Her head lowers, by no means did she take offense from my words, but I know she's doing her best to be careful. Which slightly sets me off because I hate it when people change who they are just to make sure I'm appeased. Kasper does that often. Well, he used to.

"I also wanted to speak to you privately."

I fake a snicker and shake my head, mostly because I think it would irritate her. A little immature? Sure, but it's better than me slamming my fist against somebody's face. "Why? If you're here to console me, I'm not interested." My head shifts from being pressed against the wall, to meet her gaze.

Her eyes survey the room, as if she's never seen it before, but I doubt it. It's a less comfortable room to stay in, as compared to the ones back at the Cassinvarya Castle. It's dank, cold, and infested with all sorts of pests the likes of which I've never seen before. It's only saving grace would be the pair of torches that illuminated two sides of the room. Her finger rakes against stone thoughtfully, lips pursed, perhaps considering what to say, or how to say it. "No."

My teeth clench as hard as they could, and my foot slams down on the ground, causing a small crater where it lands. "Then get to the fucking point!"

She takes a sharp breath. "There's a way to save Kasper."

Fists that have been balled, uncurl themselves unexpectedly. My shoulders release all the tension that they've been carrying for hours. "How?" Are the first words I'm able to mutter about the subject.

"When Othera's blessin' is rejected, the soul is claimed by another entity." She explains, but I only come to understand her explanation partially.

"In other words?"

"An individual undergoin' the blessin' of Othera is subjected to 'ave their vitalities stripped from the vessel. The body. And that soul is only returned after it has been passed judgement by Othera."

"So you're saying Othera rejected Kasper's... soul?"


"But that doesn't explain how we can save him! He's still dead. Without a soul, he's just--" It's hard to think about his corpse. The way his usually dark eyes have gone unnaturally cold, or that the smallest hint of life on his pale skin has turned a reluctant shade of white. "--he's just gone."

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