Marinette's First (Somewhat But No One Knows) Kiss

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Marinette saw Adrien's approaching figure, scared of what was about to come she closed her eyes as tight as she could. Adrien leaned over and, "Please M'lady," he whispered, "it's me, Chat." She jumped back not knowing how to respond. This is not what she thought he knew. She definitely didn't think that he would be Chat Noir. "My Chaton?" she whispered back. They could still hear the music very loudly from where they were standing. Marinette wrapped her arms around Adrien's neck and he put his hands around her hips and felt them as they began to sway along with the music. Adrien never thought he'd be so happy with a girl in his life. His affection only grew as he figured out that his Lady was Marinette.

Marinette had gotten home and was about to fall asleep when she had it. She found the perfect gift. Well you could call it the purrrrrfect gift. She stayed up all night working on the present so that tomorrow. On Christmas Eve she could give it to him. "Oh Tikki," Marinette said. 'Oh Tikki what," Tikki responded, "Ooo did Adrien tell you he liked you." "Sort of."

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