another normal day

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(i had nothing in my mind for something about cats so i got this cute bakugou's drawing here in a cat costume! so kawaiiiiiii!!!also its not mine ;-; )


It was another normal day.. i woke up to my alarm clock at 8 in the morning to start my day ; i made breakfast and wore my work cloths before heading to the pet store, and a few people came to see the animals there, a little boy came to the store and bought a little hamster. this pet store is not very popular so we barely get customers

As i was heading home i got some tuna can with me for the cats that lives near my house, one of my favourites was a calico cat , she is happy most of the time and often comes to play with me.i named her Sunshine

i opened for her the tuna can and set it on the floor , and of course... people dont like me because of my love for cats, they say things to me like "she's messing the streets" or "does those cats really matter?" and sometimes they even say "i wish you didnt live here" etc etc...

as i was patting Sunshine , my mom opened the door and of course started yelling at me for being such a cat person. i dont care, she even slaps me and beat me up for staying out playing with cats.

yes.... i have an abusive mother... my dad left us because of her selfishness and shit.

i got in and as always i ignored all her stupid talks. she slaped me hard but i still dont care. i got to my room and sat down in my bed. i took a pencil and my sketchbook. i put my earphones in and listened to some calm songs.

i only draw animals there. i have improved my skills for the past years and i drew all over my sketchbook that only a few pages are left.

my mom called from downstairs and i could hear her even if i am listening to music. i got up and went down. i only ate a peice of bread with some cheese while she ordered kfc and ate it in front of me trying to make me feel more hungry than i am.

after i finished i got up and went to my room to continue drawing and sketching a picture of Sunshine. at 1 am i finally got to sleep even tho i still didnt finish it yet.

as i said... it was just another normal day

i wonder if tomorrow could be more cool and full of surprises and not boring and normal like today. i thought as i shut my eyes and went to sleep .

(soooo this chapter was very normal haha i guess you didnt suspect having an abusive mother hohoho i am very evil MUAHAHAHA! oops lost control again, anyways sorry if this chapter is short ! i tried my best! and its 12am so i get i should go to sleep now. bye! )

cat persons ( shinso x reader) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant