a walk in the park

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( i am late sorry ;-; also i was too lazy trying to find a cat picture with shinso so have aizawa with a cat instead. i mean tthe are very similar so yee lets go to the story now)


today was Saturday wich means no work. i woke up to my alarm clock and made a little breakfast since i dont really like eating a lot in the morning

i put my shoes on and wear my black hoodie . i left a note to my mom so i dont wake her up. i went out today to the park since it was a day off and the weather is nice.

i sat down the bench next to a lake where ducks we're swimming. i of course didnt forget to bring with me a loaf of bread for them. they we're only a few people there so i didnt get bothered by people making fun of me for taking care of animals.

as i was feeding the ducks, i felt someone sat next to me. i didn't bother to turn around nor start a conversation with that person . "hey " they say . i turn around to find the boy named Shinso that i met yesterday. "hi" i reply with a smal smile .

i turn back to feeding the ducks and soon after that, there was no more bread, so i just sat down and kept looking at some cute little ducks with their mother leading the way. i turn around to find Shinso watching something on his phone.

i try to see what hes watching and i guess it was some cat videos. i was overwhelmed so i just sat there watching with him. he didnt notice me tho.

after he has just notice he jumped a little. probably scared that someone was watching something he doesnt want people to see. but it was normal "what are you doing?" he asks "just watching what you we're watching " i answered smartly.

"i see you like cats a lot too " i say after a bit of silence " yeah i do. i have 5 cats at home " he says back "WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW 5 CATS OMG CAN I SEE THEM PLEASE PLEASE PLEAAAASE " i shout wich made everyone in the park look at me i say sorry to them and tilt my head down with a tint of red from embarrassment.

Shinso laughs at my reaction "sure thing " he smiled so me. "when can you come? " he asks "hmm .. maybe tomorrow at 5 o'clock if its fine by you " i answer "agreed" there was silence for a moment "by the way i have a question if you dont mind " i ask breaking the silence .

"what is it " he says "whats your quirk? " i ask, he seems hesistant for a while but answers me anyways "i cant control people's minds " he answers .

"WOWOWOWOWOWOW YOU CAN WHAT? THIS IS SO COOL WOOOW!!!" i scream and everyone turns their heads towards me again "sorry..." i laugh nervously with another shade of red from embarrassment again.

Shinso laughs from my reaction " you sure can't control yourself! " he says trying to stop from laughing " sorry sorry sorry sorry.." his laugh making me more embarrassed of myself than i already am.

"its ok " he pats my head as if i was a cat. i blush a bit but he didnt notice it i guess , wow.. no one said to me 'its ok' or patted my head in long time..."hello? earth to Y/N!" Shinso waved his hand in front of my face waking me up from my thoughts. "oh y-yeah i am here, i am here " i say. he smiles and asks "what's your quirk then? " "oh well i call it cat paws, i can basically grow cat ears, tail and make my hands paws instead . i can land on my feet and basically do whatever a cat can do when activating it " i answer . he blinks in surprise "you mean like that wild wild pussycat group? " he says "yeah but them they have different quirks and i domt think any of them is a cat quirk " i reply

we stay silent for a bit until Shinso breaks it " i think you can be a hero " he says . i was sHoOk for a moment "me? nono thats impossible " i say while fakely laughing "yes you can!!" he says

"i cant.. plus.. i stopped going to school and i didnt use my quirk in a long time " i say "then we will go to UA together " he says smiling widely "we can train at your free time so we can be ready for the entrence exams! " he smile filled me with life "i guess we can" i smile back at him "we will become pro heroes! " he says jumping up and down from excitement. this is the first time i see him like that oh well nevermind i am doing the same. we kept on jumping and running around from excitement.

just then the song 'gogo' by bts started playing ( i luv em and don't judge me for it) i check my phone only to find my mom calling me "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU RIGHT NOW?! " i go sit on the bench again to speak privately with her " i am the park mom " i say "GET HOME RIGHT NOW BEFORE I KICK YOUR ASS " she shouts from the other line. i can hear her crashing a vase.

"fine i am coming " i hung up on her and tell Shinso that i have to go "can we exchange numbers? " he asks politely "yeah sure ". we exchanged numbers and said goodbye. it was noon when we separated, after 5 minutes i got home. here we go again..

( well this was a pretty long chapter -.- anyways didnt you notice on every cover of a chapter i an giving you free wallpapers? no? okay ;-; )

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