
407 21 26

Su•per•no•va [soo-per-noh-vuh]

(n.) A powerful and luminous stellar explosion. This transient astronomical event occurs during the last evolutionary stages of a massive star or when a white dwarf is triggered into runaway nuclear fusion.


I barely slept at all last night, I couldn't stop thinking about it. All of it.

God, all I wanna do is kiss him again.

After dinner, I told my dad I was going to bed early because I couldn't stand to wait any longer. I left through the window and made my way down the hall as the sun finished setting. On my way, I knocked on his window, hoping he was in there and would assume it was me.

I made my way up the stairs and stood at the edge, simply watching as the sun made it's way down, disappearing behind the skyscrapers.

I heard the door open as dusk filled the air. I looked and it was him and his beautiful blue eyes looking straight at me. I don't think I've ever been so utterly filled with excitement comparatively to this exact moment as he approached me.

Neither of us said a word or dared, even, to break the silence we had maintained since before we kissed late last night- or, rather, early this morning. Though, the smiles plastered on both our faces shone with millions of feelings that words would only dampen.

Night seemed to envelope us as our smiles faded and our eyes narrowed. Our bodies drew closer in the cool, summer air as the night grew older. The moon, late in its cycle, seemed to shine down on us with an ominous glow, casting a thick fog throughout the city as, perhaps it would rain tomorrow.

"Buck," he started, his voice tremulous and low. "Are we gonna talk about... this?"

"I- I'd rather not, uh... talk at all," I replied, inching closer.

He looked at me, confused. It was as if he didn't see how blatantly obvious it was that I wanted to kiss the living daylights out of him. I suppose I should, I don't know, explain? Or, do something?

I grabbed his jaw in both my hands and pulled him up to my face, kissing him again without a second thought. He hummed into my mouth for a moment before I pulled away and searched his pupils for a reaction.

He seemed disoriented but almost energized at the same time. He brought his lips back up to mine and kissed me again, leaning further into my body. I, eventually, brought my hands down to his waist and pulled his body closer to mine than I ever could have wished for. We fit together so unimaginably perfect.

His hands ventured up to my chest as I licked his lip as it rested in my mouth. He let me in and our tongues finally danced like they were meant to. It felt like nothing I'd ever felt before, too, like my nerves were on fire as his fingers moved slowly across them from on top of my shirt.

Eventually, his arms were slung around my neck and, hell, it felt like we had been surrounded by fire, that's how hot it had gotten between the two of us. I don't think I've ever needed something so badly in my whole damned life.

My hands rested at his hips, but, dear god, did I want to let them go lower. I restrained myself for the moment, but if we kept kissing like this, I don't know if I could resist.

We were going at it like madmen, crazily and sloppily kissing each other like we'd never had such an amazing opportunity in our lives before, which, to be fair, we never truly did. Though, for an instant, we both slowed down a bit, simply moving in slow motion.

I, finally, let my hands rest on his ass. God. I bit down gently on his lower lip as I pulled it delicately away from his face, simultaneously squeezing his ass within my hands. A breathy, unintentional moan seemed to slip from his moth as I did so, allowing me to see that I truly have the same effect on him as he does on me.

My hands on his ass and our faces apart, I pulled him in and placed my lips on his, yet again. I felt my dick swelling in my pants and pushing incessantly against his, which was doing the same thing.

God, my pulse dropped and I could feel it pumping hot blood rapidly down, down, down...

I pulled my lips away from his and admired his reddening face. His eyes looked as droopy as mine felt as a direct result of us having made out for two hours, going on three.

I looked up at the sky, realizing this had been the first time I'd seen the stars that whole night.

Looking back at him, I didn't even know what to say or even do. This was all too perfect for words, but somehow imperfect enough that something needs to be said.

"This, you know," I began, my voice husky. "It's, um, this is what I wished for... on that shooting star."

"Really?" he questioned, sounding completely surprised.

"Yea... and, lemme just say, it was a hell of a lot better than I ever would have possibly imagined."

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