
441 24 47

Sy•zy•gy [siz-i-jee]

(n.) A roughly straight-line configuration of three or more celestial bodies in a gravitational system, especially involving the moon with the sun.
(n.) A conjunction or alignment of connected or corresponding things.


I have no idea how the hell this happened, but I'm not even complaining about it.

Steve asked Sarah if he could sleepover my house, as boys our age tend to do, and she actually said yes (as long as my dad would be home, and he is). Now, I don't even think I've ever anticipated anything more.

He knocked on the door at 8:30pm and I had been sitting on the living room sofa, so I got up to get it, Rebecca trailing behind me as she usually does.

She grabbed onto his leg almost immediately after he ended through the door, though, he didn't look away from me. There was something about him that was... different, and something I couldn't exactly pinpoint.

"Heyyy, Becky, how's it goin'?" he asked, dropping to his knees to hug her on the same level.

"It's goooooooood," she said, her ginger hair moving as she swayed away from him.

He smiled, standing. "That's good."

She looked over at me with her big, child-like hazel eyes."What're you guys gonna do?"

"Probably just hang out in my room, Rik, you know, read comics and... boy stuff," I told her, putting my hand on her shoulder.

"So I can't hang out with you guys?" she asked, pouting.

"Maybe later, okay?" I replied.

"Okaaay," she said, walking away.

I felt bad, sure, I'm not heartless, but I really needed to kiss him again.

I motioned for him to follow me to my room and he did, straight down the hallway, the last door.

"Read comics and boy stuff, huh?" he mocked me, dropping his bag on top of the dresser as he shut the door behind us.

"Shut up, Rogers," I laughed, walking towards him. I let the smile drop from my face as I walked him against the wall. "I've..." I ran my fingers under his jaw. "I've been waiting all damn day for you."

"So have I, but you don't gotta lie to your little sister."

"'No, Rebecca, you can't hang out with us because all we're gonna be doing is making out all night," I looked at him like he was a genius. "Ah, yes, that sounds much better, dumbass."

"I know you're tryna make fun of me right now," he started, his voice dulcet as he bit his lip. "But, I'm kinda intrigued, if I'm being honest."

"How's that?" I asked, pushing my body down on his.

"Well, I'm just trying to figure out whether or not you're actually planning on kissing me all night."

"Oh, trust me, Stevie," I started, letting my lips brush up against his. "You'll be gasping for air by the end of it all."

He looked at me with his mouth open, but didn't say anything. He was at a loss for words, so I kissed him slow, waiting for his eventual reaction.

I felt him start to get more into it, his body trying to take control over mine. He started walking, kissing me at the same time, leading us backwards.

My legs hit the bed unexpectedly and I forcibly sat down, looking up at him as he stood between my legs.His hands rested on my shoulders as I held his waist, simply waiting for him to come closer.

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