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Qua•sar [kae-zahr]

(n.) An extremely luminous active galactic nucleus, in which a supermassive black hole with mass ranging from millions to billions of times the mass of the Sun is surrounded by a gaseous accretion disk. They are starlike in appearance, have spectra and are thought to be the most distant and most luminous objects in the universe.


After thinking about the serious risk we were subjecting ourselves to at either my or Steve's house, we decided to keep the explicit stuff away from where anyone else might find us. We were lucky it was only Rebecca last time, I mean... I can't imagine what would have happened if my dad would have been the one to see me and Steve making out.

Anyway, we're on the roof of the building yet again because, well, that's one more thing we can control in terms of risks. He, actually, got there before I did today.

The door closed behind me as I approached him.

"Someone's late today," he announced.

"Sounds like you missed me," I came back.

"Me? Miss you? Hell no."

I reached him and let my frontside hit his backside before I placed my hands over his where they rested on the railing before us. I placed my head on his shoulder and tickled his ear with a kiss. I chuckled, "Like I'd believe that for half a second."

He turned his head to somehow look at me. Before he had a chance to come back at me, though, I kissed him softly.

"Another starless night?" he asked, referring to the fact that, despite there having been stars present in the sky that night, we'd be kissing too much to even bother noticing them.

I smiled. "Why the hell not?" I confirmed, kissing him again from behind and bringing my hands up his arms.

They moved down the sides of his body and met his thighs and the front of his pants. The fact that he was already getting hard and the idea of what I could very well be doing from this position made the feeling of my blood beginning to boil and push down to my crotch, too, all that much more evident.

"Buck," he whispered. "You're killing me."

"Look at that, I ain't even trying," I started, joking with him as I reached to the front of him and started undoing the buttons on his shirt from behind. "Just wait until I do, Stevie."

Once I had reached the bottom of his shirt, I pulled it out of his pants and threw it to the floor, along with his belt that I, then, removed, too.

I let my hands travel all across his naked chest and stomach, lingering down low near the belt line- I paused, realizing this would feel a hell of a lot better if I pulled my shirt off, too.

I tossed my shirt and belt on top of his, making my way back to him afterwards. I even went so far as to undo the button and zipper on my pants, too. I kissed the side and back of his neck, making him moan into the air as my fingers trailed all over him.

I gave in to my instinct to place my hand on his mid-back, for some reason, and push his head down lower. He rested on the railing as I started to thrust into him with our clothes still on. He knew I was just trying things out to see what felt good for both of us but, hell, this was something completely different. This felt all too real for both of us.

I let him back up and he spun around to face me, his cheeks a bright pink and a look of desperation written clearly across his face. I kissed him, then, and it felt like I hadn't in years. It was almost within seconds that we were pushing up against one another and moaning into each other's mouths without even realizing it.

My hand instinctively went down to his pants' zipper while we were kissing without me even consciously realizing it. Before I even noticed what I had been doing, his zipper and button had been undone and my hand was grabbing him through his underwear.

My lips wouldn't pull away from his, as if they were meant to be there. It felt like a distraction from what I was about to do, but to hell with that.

I slipped my hand below his underwear and took him into my hand. His lips parted and he inhaled sharply, simply holding his breath afterwards. "This alright?" I asked him, beginning to pump my hand up and down with him between my fingers and palm.

He hummed into the air between us, seemingly unable to spit out even the smallest word. His hands quickly met my neck and pulled me in, drowning my thoughts away with an incredible kiss.

It felt like, honestly, I was facing a little bit too much resistance... so I pulled my hand out for a moment and looked at him. There were only two ways I was gonna fix this. (1) I could spit into my hand and keep using my then fully lubricated hand, or (2) I could drop to my knees and take him into my mouth.

Good god, what a decision.

He looked at me, confused as to what I was thinking. I watched him carefully as his face slowly got further and further away from me. His eyes sparkled with realization as soon as my knees hit the ground and his... well... lined up with my mouth.

His hands rested on my shoulders and in my hair and, goddamnit, was I actually about to do this? I don't know what I'm even doing down here.

I started kissing and sucking on his lower stomach as well as feeling all around his thighs and, hell, was he shaking where he stood. I licked up the side of... it, before slowly bringing it into my mouth. To be fair, it fit pretty damn well for a first time.

It wasn't even seconds before his hands met my hair and his hips started thrusting himself deeper into me than I ever thought possible without literally choking. Oops, I guess I have literally no gag reflex... somehow that's good, isn't it?

I heard him groaning and spewing curses and my name and all of it above me before I felt his body tense up and he finished in my mouth. Before there was even a second thought in my mind, I swallowed, realizing that that was exactly what I would have wanted him to do, too, because... damn, that's hot.

I stood and just looked at him for a moment as he pulled his pants up. It took me a second to realize, well shit, I'm still hard.

His hand met my crotch, which, was ultra-sensitive at this point. My eyes shuddered shut and my mouth dropped open as he did so.

"Well, well, well," he began. "Looks like... you're next."

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