Chapter 31

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Lisa's pov

Everything has been going pretty well lately. I'm very happy with Jennie and we've told Irene and Nayeon about us and they're very happy for me. Jennie's family also knows and they're supportive as well. I keep recieving pictures of me and Jennie together and also pictures of my dad with other women but to be honest I don't care. 

I know people are going to find out soon about Jennie and I, but I don't care, I want everyone to know that she's mine, I'm ready to announce to everyone that she's my girlfriend but I'm still keeping it a secret for Jennie's sake. I don't want her to be in danger. 

"Hey! Miss Lisa!" Sana greeted me when she saw me getting food in the cafeteria.

"Oh hey Sana, ah Dahyun you're here as well." I smiled.

"How's training going?" The two of them along with Jennie and Seulgi are still trainees, but this time it's not me who's training them, so I don't know what's going on.

"It's okay, but we miss you training us." Sana pouted. 

"Ah, I miss training you guys too, believe me. I wish I could convince my dad to make me the one in charge of trainings but he wants me in the marketing team." 

"They're really exhausting us, it doesn't compare to your trainings. At least with you we had some fun and you didn't work us to death." Dahyun smiled weakly.

"She did in the beginning though." Seulgi interrupted and they laughed.

"It's true, I did overwork you guys in the beginning. I know it's hard but keep going, don't give up, okay?" I smiled and they nodded.

"Dahyun-ah, we should go, miss. Lisa is probably busy." And with that the two of them dissapeared, leaving me and Seulgi alone. Where the hell is Jennie though? She's always with the three of them, and I can't see her anywhere. I've scanned the entire cafeteria already.

"Looking for someone?" Seulgi asked.

"N-no." I looked down hoping she won't notice that I'm lying.

"I know you're looking for Jennie, no need to lie about that." Seulgi really can get on my nerves sometimes. But at least she's not flirting with me anymore like she did in the beginning.

"Why did you stop flirting with me?" I suddenly asked, I just want to know. 

"W-what?" She raised her eyebrows.

"You heard me."

"No reason." She simply answers but I noticed her looking somewhere behind me and when I turned around I saw the reason. I should've seen this coming, I can't believe that I didn't realize until now.

"Holy shit, you like Irene???" I raised my eyebrows. 

"Shhhht, not so loud." She hit my arm. "and no I don't like her."

"Irene's a good choice, you should court her." I advised her. 

"I can't do that, she probably doesn't even like girls." 

"So you admit that you like her?" I smirked.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter." She smiled and walked away. Where the fuck is Jennie?? There's still no sign from her. 

 I was walking towards my office when Nayeon called my name.

"Your dad wants to see you in his office."

"But I don't want to see him." I sigh.

"It seems important though, you should go before he gets mad. I understand you don't really care about him anymore but you know what he can do when he gets angry." I hate that Nayeon is always right.

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