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It was exactly two months. Two whole months since it happened. Dean was a bit better. He was managing. Started hunting with his brother again, back in the game. Dean wanted to forget, he wanted nothing more than to forget. Then again if that meant forgetting Castiel completely, maybe he didn't wanna forget.

Dean still had nightmares, still cried himself to sleep at night. But during the day he got so numb with everything going on, it was just easier to cope. They had just got back from a hunt, Dean wanted nothing more than to relax. He sat down, a cold beer in one hand and a book in the other. Now normally Dean didn't read, let alone research most times but he was so hung up on getting Castiel back now. So far, he's found nothing. No books state how to revive dead Angel's. Hell, most didn't even say Angel's could die, though Dean knew the truth. So it felt hopeless.

The bunker door opens and he looked up alarmed, calming down when he saw it was Rowena. "Hello boys." She says and Sam looks up from his laptop and smiles. "Oh hey." Sam says and Dean just looked back down at the book he was reading. "Dean, Dearie you look horrible." Rowena states and Dean puts down the book and sighs, looking at her unamused. "What do you want?" He asks seriously and she half smiled and tilted her head a bit. "I'll go shower." He says and she smiled fully. "Thanks Darling." Rowena says as he stands up, leaving to do so.

"Sam, I have news." She says and Sam stands up. "What is it?" He asks and she places her bag on the table. "These past two months I've been working hard on a spell. It's not close to being complete but I'm definitely onto something." She starts and that caught the youngests attention immediately. Two months.. it's been two months since the incident. What if.. no it's probably not. Dean said himself he had a feeling Cas was gone forever. Sam did too. "I still need more time to perfect it but I think I can get your sweet Angel back." She says and Sam's eyes widen and he sits down. "Really? Like actually?" He asks and Rowena nods. "What I'm working on would wake him up in The Empty. So they would probably let him go after a while, atleast according to my research. Angel's and demons aren't supposed to be awake there, it'll piss them off and hopefully they'll just get rid of him. Aka bring him back." Rowena explains, handing the book to Sam in which she wrote it all down in.

Sam read it all, nodding as he did so. It did look legit, powerful work. "And you're sure this will work?" Sam asks and she shrugs. "Almost positive that it should Samuel. There's a few flaws though." Rowena says and as she does, Dean walked back in, freshly showered. Looked hell of a lot better too. "Flaws to what?" Dean asks and Rowena smiles. She explained to Dean what she explained to Sam and the hope in Dean's eyes pushed Sam to want this done as soon as possible. "Well what are we waiting for?" Dean says excitingly and Rowena sighs. "The spell isn't done yet dearie. Plus, again there are some flaws." She says and Dean gives her a 'well what' look. How flawed could it be, honestly?

"Sure this will bring your Castiel back. But I can't guarentee he'll be the same. I don't know if he will have his memories. He may be the angel he was before he met you guys, memories and all." Rowena explains and Dean's face dropped. Okay yeah that's flawed. But he nodded. "That's okay. He still deserves to be alive. I owe him that much." Dean says seriously and she nods. "I will get back to you boys when it's complete. I'll come with everything needed and we will do it." Rowena explains and they all agreed. Rowena left, agreeing she'd stay in touch about it and Dean felt like he was lost again. What if this didn't work? What if Castiel didn't remember them? All those years, for what?

"I know what you're thinking Dean." Sam says while sitting across from him and Dean sighs. "Years of friendship for what?" Dean says and Sam sighs, putting his face in his hands. "I know Dean. But I rather have Cas back, memories or not." Sam says and Dean agreed, he really did. It just hurt. It's like losing him all over again. But less death. "I'm gonna head to bed." Dean says, pushing his self up and turning to leave. "We'll get him back Dean." Sam says, sincerity to his words. "I know we will, Sammy. I know." Dean replied. That night, he didn't have a nightmare. He sure as hell would've rather had the bad dream though.

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