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Dean never prayed harder. He prayed to Castiel three days straight, asking him to come to the bunker, telling him that if he didn't remember them, that they'd explain everything. Even explaining where the bunker was and how to get to it. That him and Sam brought him back. Everything, he prayed to Castiel about everything in hopes he'd show up. Even if it was only for a little while. He needed to see him so bad it hurt. The fifth day Dean stopped praying. He felt like either Castiel wasn't actually back, or he just didn't want anything to do with them anymore. Maybe the angel just wasn't listening.

"He probably remembers, Sam. Cas probably remembers how much I let him down. That I'm the reason he died." Dean says while sipping his beer. "It wasn't your fault and he knows that Dean. He's probably on his way here, or maybe he's in heaven sorting stuff out. I'd imagine that's where he'd be when he came back." Sam says, assuming and Dean nods. That did make sense. Maybe they won't let him leave or something. "What matters is, he's alive. We'll see him again, I promise Dean." Sam says and Dean slams his beer down, the alcohol splashing up and over the table causing Sam to jump back with wide eyes.

"We don't know that." Dean says seriously and Sam sighs. "We can try." Sam says sincerely while relaxing and Dean calmed down a bit, taking a deep breath in and out. Sam was right. "We will." Dean says even though he was do scared he'd never see his angel again. "I found us a case. Let's go check it out, get our minds off this." Sam says while standing up. "Alright, what's going on?" Dean asks, taking another sip of his beer before standing up too. "3 girls, all from the same college went missing within the last 2 weeks. Records show this reoccurs every 4 years around this time. Except it's always 10 girls and they're never found, so we have people to save." Sam explains and Dean raised his eyebrows but shrugged.

They have worked cases off of way less before. This could be their kind of thing. The case was tiring. The stayed for a week, before finding out technically it wasn't their thing. It was almost worse, considering it wasn't a creature just trying to survive. It was people. They had some type of sick ritual and luckily Sam and Dean got there before they killed the 4th woman.  They called the cops and they were on their way back to the hotel. "How about we stay here for a day for two? Take a small break until another case pops up, if any do?" Sam suggests, expecting Dean to immediately disagree and wanna go home.

"Alright. There's a few things to do around here." Dean says, despite not wanting to. Sure he didn't deserve a break he felt, but his brother sure as hell did. He's worked non stop, Sammy deserved it. So they stayed in Illinois for a few days. Though generally there wasn't much to do, there was a fair going on not to far from where they were staying. And they had hell of a time.

The Winchester brothers didn't get to do stuff like that as kids. Especially Sammy. Dean remembered a few times he had went, but now that he thought about it, he didn't remember any of those times being when Sammy wasn't a baby. They were playing some dart game, one of the prizes was a nerf gun and Dean of course, wanted to terrorize his younger brother with it. He gave up eventually and then noticed the cotton candy stand. "Oh hell yeah, I'm getting some cotton candy, sasquatch have fun with your nerd darts, it's impossible." Dean says while making his way over to the stand.

Seriously, those games are rigged, all about money. As Dean was getting his blue raspberry cotton candy, he felt something hit the back of his head. "What the fuck?" He says loudly and turned, expecting to see some dumbass punk behind him that decided to mess with him but instead he was met with a nerf bullet to the face and happy wild laughter. "Sammy!" He says, watching as his little brother ran off. Surprisingly despite the mans height, Dean lost track of him in the crowd.

He quickly took his cotton candy and ran off after him, he couldn't help but smile as he looked around. "Sammy, where ya at? You're gonna pay for that." He says ignoring the looks given to him as he took a way too big of a bite of his cotton candy. "C'mon sasquatch, ya scared?" He calls out with a smile, and he saw a flash of plaid and longish brown hair go behind an unopened stand, and he slowly walked over, careful not to make noise.

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