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"Babe, calm down." Mark rubbed his boyfriend's back while Jimin and Taehyung sat on the other couch, watching in sorrow.

Namjoon never returned after walking out the previous morning. It was unsettling and frankly weird if he somehow got lost when he'd memorized the floors and routes by now.

"I can't, Mark. He didn't come home last night." Jackson stressed, running his hand through his hair for the hundredth time that day. "W-what if h-he-"

"He wouldn't do dat tuh you, Jackson." The older assured, intertwining their fingers.

"N-No, of course not." The brunet laughed nervously, squeezing his boyfriend's hand. "I'm just scared that he could. I've already lost my sister, I don't wanna lose a brother too. Especially not through the same way." He closed his eyes, leaning his head on Mark's shoulder.

All of Jackson's close friends knew about his older sister's suicide. He may not seem as affected as you'd expect him to be but that's only because it happened when he was still in middle school and she was in high school. He's had time to learn how to keep himself distracted to push the memory to the back of his mind.

But clearly Namjoon's sudden disappearance triggered his fear.

"Guys." Taehyung spoke up, the tone of his voice left a sense of uncertainty in what he was about to say. "I don't know if it's jus' a coincidence but no one's seen Sehun since our last meetin' which was like— what? Two days ago?"

"Highly suspicious if you ask me." Jimin added, twirling the dagger that he stole from Seokjin for the soul purpose of annoying his boss after what he did the day before. "You know, I think Nammie's ontuh somethin' but SJ's too much of a stubborn bitch tuh believe him 'cause of der whole personal matt'uhs."

"He's immature." Mark stated. "He's one of my closest friends but fuh a mafia boss, he ain't actin' on business instincts, he's actin' on his emotions."

"It's sorta funny dat da boss himself ain't know how tuh balance work and relationships." The orange-haired male snickered.

"I'm tellin' you, SJ. Namjoon's smart n' he'd be da first tuh know who da double-cross'uh is outta everyone in da mafia. He's observant n' if he says it's Sehun, den it's probably Sehun." Jungkook had tried to convince Seokjin for the millionth time that day.

"When are you leavin' my office?" The mafia boss deadpanned, eyes reading over some contracts he needed to sign.

The younger was pissed at this point. "Why'd you make me second-in-charge if you ain't even goin'tuh let me help with da mafia? I know I'm young'uh dan you but YOU'RE BEIN' FUCKIN' CHILDISH, JIN!"

"SHUT DA FUCK UP, DAMN IT!" Seokjin yelled, standing up. "WHY DOES EVERYONE FUCKIN' TALK 'BOUT NAMJOON DIS, NAMJOON DAT?! I CAN'T GET ONE DAY WITHOUT HAVIN' ANYTHIN' INVOLVIN' HIM ANYMORE!" He was breathing heavily, clearly frustrated and pass his limits.

Jungkook clenched his jaw, gritting his teeth before saying "I nev'uh told you dis but ev'uh since I joined Dire, I've looked up tuh you. It ain't even got anythin' tuh do with me datin' Tae n' seein' you as my own old'uh broth'uh. I look up tuh you 'cause of yuh leaduhship n' da way yuh so invested intuh runnin' da mafia. You already know I've been wantin' tuh take ov'uh too n' dat's 'cause I feel like I've learned enough from you. But I'ma be honest, yuh pissin' me off now. Dire's been attacked n' I'm tryin' my best tuh prevent anoth'uh one but I can't do dat if yuh lettin' yuh feelin's fuh Namjoon get in da way."

"What da hell are you talkin' 'bout?"

"You know exactly what I'm talkin' 'bout!" The younger snapped. "Yuh in denial of yuh feelin's fuh Joon n' yuh usin' Sehun as an excuse tuh ignore 'em. Sehun's our biggest suspect tuh be a double-cross'uh n' yuh not doin' anythin' about it. N' don't even give me dat boyfriend bullshit. Boyfriend o' not, if he's a Dagg'uh scum, den get rid of him."

Seokjin was speechless for once.

Jungkook was right, he ran a mafia for fuck's sake, he needed to stop actin' like a teenager who's allergic to feelings.

"Fuck." The mafia boss cursed to himself. "I'm sorry, yuh right."

The younger was stunned. He didn't think his on-the-spot speech would actually work.

Seokjin's phone rang, catching the attention of both males. The device sat on his desk with a private caller ID displayed on the screen. The raven head didn't think much of it since it could've been another one of those cocaine dealings that other gangs agreed to do with him.

He answered the call, putting the phone next to his ear. But before he could speak, a deep, raspy voice spoke first.

"Evenin' , SJ." The person greeted, followed by a menacing laugh.

"Sangook." Seokjin gritted through his teeth. "What da hell do you want?"

"Did yuh moth'uh nev'uh tell you tuh respect yuh eld'uhs?" Sangook chuckled.

"Good thin' she nev'uh got da chance tuh since you killed her." The mafia boss spat. Jungkook's eyes widened at those words, immediately figuring out who the person was on the other line.

The Dagger mafia leader.

"Still holdin' grudges, huh? Did you like my recent little gift fuh you? Gotta admit, I'm a little disappointed dat only 3 of yuh men died." The older man tsked through the phone. "All good though. I got an even bett'uh present dis time around."

"What are you on 'bout?" Seokjin scrunched his eyebrows.

"Why don't you see fuh yuhself."

Just then, the raven head received a message on his phone. He checked to see an attachment.

He clutched his phone upon seeing the image he was sent.

Namjoon's legs were tied down to a chair along with his arms behind his back. Chains were tightly wrapped around his torso to prevent him from escaping. A gag was shoved in his mouth while a black blindfold restricted his vision. His messy pink hair curtained over his eyes from having his head hung low, still unconscious.

"Fuck. FUCK! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" Seokjin screamed through the phone. "IF YOU FUCKIN' HURT HIM-"

"Don't worry 'bout dat too much. I specifically told my son tuh keep him uninjured. Though, of course, dey do have a bit of a an issue with each oth'uh so I ain't goin'tuh promise dat he'd follow my ord'uhs."

"Sehun." The Dire mafia's boss breathed out.

"Ah, so you rememb'uh him? He told me everythin' I had tuh know 'bout yuh little thin' with Namjoon Kim. I was surprised when he told me dat you refused to believe him. Drama in paradise, huh?" Sangook teased. "Well, dat's all I called fuh. I'll let you do whatev'uh you think you can do tuh save yuh lov'uh. I'm assuming dat I can expect a little visit from yuh mafia soon? See you then, Seokjin."

Then the line ended.

Seokjin was left with nothing but rage in him. He threw the phone across the room, shattering the device into pieces, before turning to Jungkook.

It was almost scary how serious his eyes were.

"Call da oth'uhs. We'uh havin' a meetin'."

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