Chapter 17

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Waking up in my bedroom, I quickly remembered what happened before I passed out. I saw an evil dragon thing and a polar bear and a tiger. I thought Polar bears lived near the Artic Circle. What the fuck was going on. 

Remembering all of this, I rolled to the other side of my bed. Unfortunately, I forgot that it was a single bed and I fell off and landed on the floor with a loud thump. 

"Owwww" I said, rubbing my ass to soothe the pain. 

I heard a knock on my door. Oh shit. I just forgot that people were in my house and that they clearly knew I was awake now thanks to me falling off my bed. 


Seven men walked in. 

Geez, just ignore my threats then. Yeesh. 

"We're not here to hurt you Y/n" a boy with cute fox ears said. He smiled, his eyes closing completely. Could he see? 

I blinked. They were all handsome. Ok. I wasn't going to complain about being in the same room as them. 

But how did they know my name and why had they animal ears and tails.  

"What-How-WhO????" blurted out of my mouth.  

A blonde haired man, with wolf like ears stepped forward. I sat still on the ground. 

"I'm Namjoon, I'm a wolf hybrid. We were once human, but we were experimented on and became what we are today. This is Jin," a polar bear hybrid, very handsome, smiled at me. Hes was one of the guys that attacked the crazy lady. 

"This is Yoongi, you can call him Suga too." He gave a quick smile and nod. He was a black cat hybrid. He looked unapproachable and scary, but I'm sure he was soft underneath his hard exterior.  

"This is Jhope-"

"You can call me Hoseok or hobi!" an exciting dog hybrid exclaimed, his tail wagging happily.  Woah. 

"Then we have Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook."

Jimin was a fox hybrid. He was so adorable. I couldn't handle his cuteness.  Taehyung was a tiger hybrid, also being one of the guys that attacked Ms Crazy. He had a box smile. He seemed very nice and fun to be around, just by looking at his demeanor. Jungkook seemed shy, but holy Heck, a muscle bunny. And yeah, he's a bunny hybrid. Cute. 

I was speechless.  

I opened and closed my mouth like a fish. I started fidgeting and flushing red due to being around god-like men. 

"So....what- who was that crazy lady that tried to kill me? Is she one of you?" 

"Oh, her name is Sasha. She was good, until she was possessed.  Its a long story really. We don't have time to explain it to you know. We'll tell you the jist of it. 

So, we were possessed by an evil spirit that wants to rule the world, then it possessed Sasha instead because she was a more powerful hybrid than us. She was a nightfury hybrid. When we saw her yesterday, I really don't think she's there. We think the thing that possessed her has entirely pushed her soul out of her body. She was after you because you are the chosen one."

"The chosen one, if they are well trained and can handle their powers, is the only person who can stop me."

I shivered, remembering her words. 

"She mentioned the chosen one having powers. But I clearly don't have any. If I had, they would've showed up by now, I'm 23."


Jimin smirked. "Ahh, you're younger than everyone except Jungkook."

I raised my eyebrow. "And your point?" Jimin stopped smirking and looked away. "Anyway, you were going to say something Namjoon?" 

"We need to find your powers as soon as possible and train you, so you can protect yourself and kill her."

This seemed ridiculous.  Was I on drugs or something? 

I started laughing.  

Holding up my hands, I managed to say "give me a few moments please. Like can you go to my sitting room. I'll be down soon," without dying from laughter.  

When they left, I burst out laughing. Then I started crying because I felt confused and emotional. The world was really weird. I just want my old life back. 

Maybe if I train and kill her, then I can go back to living in peace and without worry. 

After sitting in silence for a while, I walked down to the guys, who wers sitting on my large sofa. Jimin was lying across a grumpy looking Suga's lap, a cheerful looking Hobi and an awkward looking Jungkook ( he got awkward probably because he was still shy with me around and had a man lying across him. Interesting.)  

I cleared my throat. 

"Ok. I'll do it guys. But only if we stay here, because I don't want to go to some strangers mansion and I don't know you guys very well yet, so I want to stay somewhere that I'm comfortable in."

They hummed in agreement.  

Taehyung took out a phone. "I'll text the others that we'll be staying here. Should I tell them to start tracking Sasha?"

Jin nodded. "Mamamoo will probably start hunting her down, and Craxy will probably be giving them Sasha's location."

I sat up quickly. "Are they your friends?"

"Yes, they're helping us with the problem. And Hwasa was a victom of the ancient spirit. So she wants justice."Jimin answered. They all looked a bit guilty when he said the words "victim of the ancient spirit." Hmmm. 

"Ok. I'm going to bed. There's three rooms, including the sitting room, which can hold three of you, another two rooms, one with two beds, one a single, so one of you guys will have to share with another in the single bed room. I'm off to bed. Night."

They murmured, "goodnight" back, then they started to discuss the bedroom plans. 


Well, I didn't expect to update today since I wasn't feeling up to it today, but I ended updoing it anyway. 

Happy Easter. Thanks for reading! Also sorry for any spelling mistakes. 

Xxx Livi

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