chapter 10

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Today was miss mystic falls katherine and elena were both going but not together since elena stil wasn't talking to katherine elena was getting ready for the pagent she had on a blue dress and had her hair curled

she sat down and grabbed her phone out when there was a knock at the door"come in"

caroline walked in with bonnie"john's here"

"wait what" elena asked she didn't understand why her uncle was here seeing as he had no reason to be

"yeah he's downstairs talking to the mikaelson's" bonnie said

"why is he talking to them" elena asked

"well moslty rebekah since she hangs out with both of you" caroline said

"can't really do anything right now i still have to do this dance" elena sighed this was a lot for one day

"by the way we start in 10 minutes" caroline said and her and bonnie left out

katherine was standing in her room she was ready she had her hair in a bun and was wearing a black long dress similar to elena's she headed to the staircase and stood at the banister elena came out and stood next to her

"first we have caroline forbes escorted by tyler lockwood" carol called caroline walked down the stairs  then she and tyler walked over to the dance floor

"katherine gilbert escorted by stefan salvatore" carol said katherine walked down the stairs and her and stefan walked over to the dance floor

"caityln mitchel escorted by nick jones"

"lastly we have elena gilbert escorted by kol mikaelson" carol said elena walked down the stairs and kol escorted her to the dance floor

after the dance they walked off"i'm never doing that again" elena said

"it wasn't that bad" kol chuckled

"i got promised my mom this otherwise i wouldn't have done this" elena said

john walked up to the couple"elena"

"don't elena me" elena said and walked away jenna walked up to her

"so the dance was it that bad" jenna said

"i hate dancing" elena said

"trust me i know your sister was the dancing type you were the quiet one you'd sit in your room and sing and read for hours" jenna said

"shh no one's supposed to know i can sing" elena whispered

"but your really good" jenna smiled

"that stays a secret i didn't want people knowing that" elena said

john walked over by the two girls"you can't avoid me forever"

"i still have legal custody of both of them leave" jenna scolded

"i can't see my own daughters" john said

"sorry i already have a dad he died tragically you won't and can't replace him now you can go find someone who cares" katherine said walking over

"you can't stay away forever whether you like it or not i am your father" john said and walked away

"i'm going to find rebekah" elena said and she  walked away

"your still fighting" jenna asked

"i don't know what to do jenna she won't talk to me" katherine sighed

"she's angry with you thats why" bonnie said walking over to the group

"why would she be angry with you" jenna said

"as far as elena is concerned in the time when she needs people to understand her your making everything about yourself" bonnie said

"how am i making everything about myself" katherine asked

"you got grounded she didn't your loosing your sister she might loose everyone you you you" bonnie said and walked away

elena went to find rebekah who was with kol

"you got him to dance he won't even practice with me" rebekah whinned

"if it makes y'all feel better thats gonna be the last time i dance for awhile i hate dancing" elena siad

"thats good to know" kol said

"i came to talk to you bonnie told me john came to talk to you" elena said

"yeah he was asking questions weird ones" rebekah said

"like" elena asked

"what was going on with you and katherine why are the originals in town" rebekah said

"he's being nosey that is not gonna be good for us" elena sighed

"he doesn't know you katherine and jenna are vampires does he" kol asked

"no and it needs to stay that way he absolultley hates vampires he's apart of the secret council and doesn't think that we know we got alaric in there last year" elena said she was worried she didn't trust john she knew he was up to something

"everything will be alright."

"I hope your right"

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