Chapter 1 - I Didn't Want This (E)

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(Y/N)'s POV

I sat in the matchbox in my red bridal gown, my father, Akitaru Obi, beside me, looking dashing in his suit and tie.

Why? It was my father's wish that I marry the special fire force company 7's captain. Benimaru Shinmon. And today is my wedding day.

Did I want this? No! Of course not! I don't want to marry anyone! I want to stay with Company 8 and put the infernals to rest. Not to mention spontaneous human combustion. There's a lot I want to achieve, and this marriage is nothing more than a headache.

I sat there, picking at the sequences on my dress sleeves as a rough, burly hand covered my own. I look up to see my father smiling down at me as I smile back at him.

"Hey, kiddo. You ok?" my father asks me as I smile, setting his mind at ease.

"Yeah, Dad. I'm ok. As long as I stay with company 8 after the wedding, it's fine." I replied as I masked my thoughts with a smile. I didn't have the guts to tell him I never wanted to marry. So now, I have no choice but to go with it.

"Hey, (Y/N). You happy with this?" Takehisa Hinawa, my brother figure, asks me as our eyes meet through the rear-view mirror. I stare into his brown orbs, nodding my head.

"Yeah, I'm fine with this", I replied cheerfully."So, after this wedding. Don't we have to attend that police academy in Tokyo?" I asked, trying to get this wedding off my mind.

"Oh yeah! The public safety department requested that the special fire force companies assist in their lectures and missions." my father explained as Takehisa hummed in agreement.

"And we got the Rookie Fire Soldier games coming up," Takehisa adds as Obi, and I nod. "I heard the Tokyo police academy agreed to hold the games this year."

"I heard the same. Well, it will be an exciting year for all of us." Obi grinned as I grinned back.

Company One's church

My father and Takehisa arrived at Company One's church Takehisa parked the matchbox as my father fixed his tie and took a deep breath.

"You know that I am the one who's getting married today, Dad." I giggled as my father, Akitaru Obi, stuck up his thumb.

"Hey now! I can't help that my little girl is getting married today." My father grins, but tears glisten in his eyes. He knows I am to return to Company Eight, right?

As I spent these few rare moments with my father, The door to the matchbox opened as Takehisa stuck out his hand, and without hesitation, I placed my hand into his as he helped me come out of the matchbox as my father followed after me.

My father offered me his elbow as I linked my arm with his, and with Takehisa to my other side, we walked towards the church as the Company One Captain waited for us, Captain Leonard Burns.

"Captain Obi." Captain Burns calls out for my father as he nods.

"Captain Burns", My father replied as he watched them both.

"The church has been separated as required." Captain Burns extends his hand to my father as he does the same. He was shaking hands with a smile on both their faces. Captain Burn's eye turns to me with a gentle look.

"You look stunning."

"Thank you, Captain Burns", I replied with a smile. Only I know how much I dread this.

We walked into the church to see a makeshift partition as my old man walked me down the aisle, with Takehisa following behind.

I don't know what my husband looks like, but I know that his name is Shinmon Benimaru. Captain of the Special Fire Force Company 7. Other than that, I don't know anything about him.

Many thoughts ran through my mind, but I couldn't voice my worries to anyone-especially my old man.

We reached the end of the aisle. I looked back at my old man as he flashed me his famous smile, then took his place on the pews next to my brother figure, Takehisa Hinawa. He was nodding happily. I stood before the priest as he began the ceremony.

"Dearly beloved. We are gathered to witness the holy matrimony of (Y/N) Obi and Benimaru Shinmon." I heard a grunt from the other side as my brows furrowed.

"It's Shinmon Benimaru, you ass-hat." I think that was the man I am marrying as I heard rumours that he has quite a temper.

"My apologies. We are gathered to witness the holy matrimony of (Y/N) Obi and Shinmon Benimaru. If there's a reason why these two should not wed, speak now or forever hold your peace." The church was silent. But, damn! I wanted to say, 'Screw this shit.' But I couldn't do that.

Not to my old man and brother.

"Do you, Shinmon Benimaru, take (Y/N) Obi as your lawfully wedded wife? To hold her for richer and poorer, in sickness and health, until death does you apart?"

I waited in a batted breath, afraid of Shinmon's answer.

"I do", Shinmon answered as I felt knots form in my stomach.

"Do you, (Y/N) Obi, take Shinmon Benimaru as your lawfully wedded husband? To hold him for richer and poorer, in sickness and health, until death does you apart?"

I froze for a moment but strengthed my resolve as determination burned through me.

"I do."

"With the power invested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may exchange the rings."

I slipped my hand through the partition and felt a cold metal slip on my finger as I pulled my hand back and stared at the diamond ring that now glistened on my ring finger.

The priest offered me a gold ring as a manly hand pushed through the partition, and I slipped the wedding band onto my husband's finger, pulling his hand back quickly.

"You may now kiss the bride" My eyes widened. I didn't want to be kissed by a total stranger. Sensing my unease, Shinmon offered me something much bearable.

"Hey. Give me your hand."

"Huh?" I needed clarification. Why did he want my hand?

"I won't repeat myself. Give me your hand." Shinmon demanded as I pushed my hand through the partition. Something soft and plump touched the back of my hand, which left me utterly speechless.

Shinmon Benimaru... kissed my hand?

His soft left my hand as I pulled it back, bringing my hand to my chest. Cheers reverberated throughout the church as my old man and brother were present by my sides.

"Now that the wedding is concluded, best we head home now." my old man offered as I nodded.

"Yeah," Takehisa answered, both men taking my hands as we left the church.

Now, I can prepare for the Police Academy... in peace.

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