There is no cure | Chapter Two

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"Ok, Plan B" Lloyd ordered via our intercoms. "Zane and Nya get ready"

Nya sprayed water over the warriors while Zane simultaneously froze the water. Together they had shielded us in an icy cloud. I breathed a sigh of relief, that quickly dissolved as the Sun Chief melted the ice.

"Ninja, go!" Lloyd yelled, jumping into action. We all spread out, fighting the warriors. I hide behind a rock, trying to assess the situation.

The warriors held sun shaped pendants around their necks, while their weapons had thin purple snakes coiled around them.

"Guys, their weapons are where the vipers are!" I exclaimed. "If you can separate the weapon and viper it becomes just a regular weapon!"

"I think you're right!" Zane exclaimed, freezing one of the vipers. I watched as it fell off the sword it was coiled around.

"Are you gonna help or just observe?!" Cole yelled frustrated. I blinked a few times, snapping out of my thoughts.

"O-oh yeah!" I said, grabbing my nunchucks. I hesitantly left the rock I was hidden behind, immediately clashing my nunchucks with a sword.

"You... You young ninja" The sun chief said, his eyes squinting tighter with each word. He was tall , powerful, strong, intimidating, everything I wasn't.

"You remind me of myself when I was a lad, timid... yet powerful" I blinked in confusion. "So sad" He muttered, holding my nunchucks with his sword. Neither of us had attacked, we stood with our weapons clashed, in an eerie silence. "So sad," He repeated. "That you have to die so soon, so full of potential" I widened my eye, but it was too late. He had pushed my nunchucks down, swinging his sword. I narrowly dodged with a shrill shriek.

'This is how I die' I thought, encasing my fist with lightning. I fought back, swinging my fist wildly, yet calculated. Neither of us had landed a hit. I was getting cocky, I had lived this long, perhaps this would all end fine. It wasn't until I heard Lloyd's voice that I lost all hope.

"Retreat! We're outnumbered!" He yelled, his voice blaring through our intercoms. I looked around, we were losing.

"Alright this was fun, until next time Ninja" He grinned, his teeth sharp and jagged. "I'll leave you with this one souvenir" He jabbed his sword into my side, I cried out dropping my nunchucks. He swiftly yanked his sword out, leaving me to fall to my knees.

I looked around, my eyes stinging with tears I willed to push back. 'The team has already evacuated to the land bounty' I realized, slowly forcing myself to all fours. Pain coursed through my body as I turned my intercom off. I prayed no one had heard my pathetic cries.

"Come on Jay!" Kai screamed through the comms. I took a torn piece of my pant let, I gasped tying it tightly around my waist. I slowly forced myself to stand, gingerly taking steps towards the vehicle.

I had barely made it, the pain was almost unbearable. I had been stabbed numerous times, shot even. But this was a pain unlike no other.

"Hurry! We don't have much time!" Kai said, grabbing my hand, heaving me into the back. Zane began to quickly drive the opposite way of the temple.

My side was on fire, forcing me to bite my tongue to keep from embarrassingly crying. 'Now is not the time to whine, its the time to stay alive' I lectured myself. I silently plyraised Nya as I remembered, there was a small bunker part of the land bounty.

I snuck off, locking the door behind me. I slowly undid all my buckles and belts. I hesitantly lifted my shirt, peeling the fabric from my wound.

I hissed as air came in contact with the wound. I grabbed a bottle of alcohol, my hand shaking.

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