Death | Chapter Seven

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I recognized that voice, turning around quickly I watched as my brother fell over, a spear in his side.  

No No No NO!  I could not lose another person. 

"Kai!" I screamed, running towards him. I was naive to think we could defeat them without a pln, just a stupid naive little girl. 

"Shh It'll be okay" I whispered, sliding his head into my lap. I didn't care if the battle waged on, I was not about to let the same mistake happen twice. 

"Nya I-It's fine" Kai argued, attempting to sit up. I quickly pushed him back down. 

I had already made this mistake once, maybe I could've saved Jay. If I had only pushed my own pride aside and saw the warning signs, I would not lose my brother to the same fate, another death would not be on my hands. 

"When we get back to HQ I'll have Zane make some healing tea and get the antidote. You'll be sore, but fine" I explained, I didn't know if it was to calm him or myself. 

"I-I don't want stupid tea" He whispered, pain was evident in his eyes. It killed me to see how much pain he was in, it reminded me all too much of the suffering...he went through.

"Nya, it's all my fault" He cried, his tears mixing with the blood on my lap. "Jay is dead, because of me

I knew Kai was feeling guilt, but this was not his fault. I was getting tired of him blaming himself. I was the one that let him suffer, we hadn't had the antidote in time. 

"Kai, there was nothing anyone could do" I explained, I needed to hear this too. "He asked you to keep it a secret, he trusted you

"If I had told you guys, we c-could've gotten the antidote in time" He argued, there was no convincing him. 

I sighed, turning my intercom on. 

"We need to retreat, Kai's been hit" 


It had taken three hours. Three hours to convince Kai to drink the antidote. 

He kept saying it was his way of  "paying back"Jay. That it was the only way to right his wrong. 

"Nya?" Zane asked, popping his head into Jay's room. "I need to speak with you" 

I looked up from my scrapbook, tearing my eyes away from the baby photos. 

"About what?" I asked, my voice was still hoarse. Fear shook though my body, I didn't know what more I could take. 

"It's about..." He trailed off, his eyes scanning the scrapbook. "Jay" 

I inhaled sharply, my finger subconsciously stroked the photo of the young boy and his teddy. 

"Lloyd and I were talking, someone has to tell his parents" Zane explained, I hadn't even thought about Ed and Edna. 

No one else knew that Jay was adopted, something he chose to keep a secret. But Ed and Edna still deserved to know the truth, their adopted son was dead. The only light in the world was dead. 

"O-Oh" I blankly said, I supposed that meant they wanted me to call them. 

"I'll head to the Sea of Sand right now" I grabbed the album and his hoodie. The blue hoodie was slightly too big, it made be feel like he was holding me in his arms. 

I headed towards the garage, Jay and I had been working on a new ride. We had named it the S.S Jaya, the small car was both super fast and could go underwater. It was like our elements combined. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2020 ⏰

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