Numb | Chapter Five

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I watched as they covered his body with a sheet. I knew I was supposed to be crying, screaming, begging for him to come back. 

But instead I sat there silent, I felt no grief, no sadness, nothing. 

Am I evil? Have I always been malicious deep down? Why am I not upset?  Thousands of thoughts were circling in my head. 

The others had came back, only moments too late. 

"We got it!" Lloyd exclaimed, rushing into the room. In his hand was a small orange bottle, the antidote. Behind him Cole and Zane were eager, joyfully entering. 

The room was silent, Kai sat in the corner shaking. 


"We're too late" 

"I'm going to be sick" 

I was the only one who stayed silent, most of the others went to the game room; Jay's favorite spot. 

I still sat, just staring at his body. Why wasn't I sobbing? 

Why was I not an unconsolable mess like Cole? Why was I not angry like Lloyd? Even Zane showed more emotions, shedding tears I didn't even know he was capable. 

"He cannot talk, but he wants to know if you like blue" 

"It's my favorite color" 

"I like you best when you're you" 

"This is why you're the only one I've ever let into my heart"

I stood up, I needed to leave this room. 

I walked through the quiet halls, it just wasn't the same. I wanted to scream, maybe cry. But instead I just walked through the halls, lined with photos of the ninja and I. 

We had been through so much together.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to Mega Monster Amusement Park instead" 

"They took Nya and you're making jokes?!"

Even when we didn't always get along...

"Cole is your perfect match?!" 

"Did I ever mention I once placed first in the Mother-Son Skate-Off. Heh, heh. I should have never admitted that."

"It's cyclone-do!"

He still loved me. 

"No! Not if it means losing you!" 

"Why did we offer to clean the museum?!"

"Guys, I don't think that's Cole Jr. That's Master Wu."

Even when we thought they were gone

"We have to move on. We're all this left."

"They could be still alive!" 

And when you came back to me... 

"Nya? Oh, you're alright!"

You cared enough to talk me through the nightmares, even though you were hurting. 

I looked up, somehow I had made my way to his room. The bright blue door, funny stickers decorated the front of it. 

I smiled, I remembered the day he bought those stupid stickers. 

"Really? A #1 Water Ninja fan sticker?" I asked, chuckling." Jay handed the vendor some money, ignoring my comment. "Yes, Of course!" He pulled me close. "Because I will always be your number one fan" 

I gingerly opened the door, the room was neatly organized. A secret sign of the Lightning Master's OCD. 

I walked around the room, it smelled just like him. Pictures of the two of us were pinned on the walls. 

Among the many were our first date, pictures he had snuck of me, our cotton candy fight. 

I smiled weakly, I started to realize... there would be no more of that. 

I felt a breeze lift my hair. I turned around swiftly, the window was closed. 

I inspected the room, I was alone. 

One thing caught my eye, a small little teddy bear. Mr. Cuddlywomp.

Tears pricked my eyes as I dived into the bed, wrapping my arms around the teddy bear. 

I squeezed it tight, sobbing loudly. He was gone. 

I hadn't processed it, no more movie nights, no more cotton candy fights, no more kisses under the mistletoe. No more Jay. 

How am I supposed to go on? How do I live without the only light in this world of darkness? I cried into his sheets. The soft scent was still on there, like he was still there. 

I could practically hear his voice, telling me "It's alright Nya, I love you" whispering gentle reminders. 

He'd tell me "Don't blame yourself, please smile for me Waterlily" 

Everything had been numb, It wasn't until I saw his empty room, his work bench filled with projects that would never be finished. 

I cried out, I didn't care if my friends heard me, they too were grieving. 

He was gone, I would never get to see him again. 

a red alarm blared through the room, there was a mission. 

"Not now, not ever" I cried. "I don't care if Ninjago falls" 

I buried my head in his pillows, I would never love again. 

Pixals voice came over the coms, signaling I was forced to get up and fight. I had tuned out all she had said prior. 

"Warning Ninja: The Sun Warriors have returned" 

A/N: I just want to say THANK YOU! All of you guys are so kind and supportive, I seriously cried reading the comments on last chapter. I try my hardest to produce chapters I as a reader would want to read. But hearing your feedback makes my entire day, it fuels the fire inside to keep writing. 

So thank you all! 

If you have any suggestions or requests for One-Shots, Books, This book or more let me know! 

Again, thank Y'all so much! - Elizabeth <3

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