The Cure | Chapter Four

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I groggily opened my eyes, I felt like I had been hit by a truck. 

"Jay?" Nya asked frantically. "Oh goodness, we thought we lost you" Warm arms wrapped around me, I winced at the contact. 

I looked around, I was in the medical ward... back at the monastery. 

"Why are we at the Monastery, what happened?!" I asked, hoping that we hadn't lost anyone. 

Nya stayed silent, her eyes drifting to Kai; who sat in the corner. 

Realization hit me, Kai had told them. He hadn't kept his promise. 

"You told them?!" I croaked, my voice was suddenly like sandpaper. My chest compressed as my shoulders shook. I was a burden to the team, they knew about the poison. They were going to be mad at me. I bet they'll kick me out to die alone on the streets, it's where I belong anyway. An orphan like me, it'd be fitting to die alone. 

"I had to tell them" He confessed, his eyes pleading. "I couldn't let you die there" 

I scoffed, ignoring the stabbing pain that went through my chest. 

"I trusted you" I whispered, my voice had gone hoarse. 

"Why didn't you tell us? We could've helped prevent this" Nya scolded, her arms crossed. This is what I was afraid of, they are all disappointed in me. I bet they're ashamed to be my friends, if I can even call them that anymore. 

"I didn't want to be a burden" I confessed, silently wishing to just die right here. "There is no cure, what did you want me to do?" 

Nya's eyes swelled with tears, my heart ached at the sight. 

"We won't give up, we are ninja" She said strongly, false confidence seeping through her voice. 

This was my fate, my destiny perhaps. I had always thought I would die on the battlefield, shielding Nya from some monster. But instead I'd die a coward, all because I couldn't just get over my fears. 

"Nya..." Kai trailed off. "We've already looked through the scrolls,  there isn't a cu-" 

"Zane found a cure!" Cole barged in, swinging the door into the wall. Zane and Lloyd came in behind him, much less carelessly. 

"Zane, is it true?" Nya asked hopefully. "Please tell me it's true, please" 

Zane opened a parchment, soon they were all sat beside my bed. 

"There is a cure, it's deep inside of Hiroshi's Labyrinth" Zane explained. "I suggest we leave one teammate here and the rest of us go venture to find it" 

I shook my head vigorously. Hissing in pain as a fierce headache began. 

"You g-guys have to go after the w-warriors" I hissed, the pain had increased a ton. I didn't want my teammates to go through the trouble, it was too late. 

I knew it, I had accepted it. 

"Jay, you're our brother" Lloyd argued. "We will not let you die" 

I sighed, this was a fight I would not win. 

"I'll stay here with Jay, the rest of you go and find the cure" Kai offered, he had been silent this entire time. 

"Are you sure? I can stay with Jay" Nya offered, her hands pressing soft circles on mine. I would never tell her that the small action was quite painful. 

I looked at Kai, my eyes pleading. I did not want Nya to see me in such pain, I was barely holding it together. 

"No, I owe it to Jay since I betrayed him" Kai confessed. "I also owe it to you all for not stopping this sooner" 

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