{3} Anosognosia

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Anosognosia - a symptom that impairs a person's ability to understand and perceive his or her illness.


Once I stepped into the building, I was instantly greeted with the familiar scent of old books. Although I often visited the library, it was normally for fiction books, so I had trouble finding the health science section. The signs were slightly blurry and my memory couldn't exactly remember where everything was.

I paused for a moment, looking around the library. It was oddly quiet, but I could hear the irregular click of an object somewhere in the distance. I would've thought it was a clock, but it was too sporadic and random to be a machine made noise. My eyes searched the surrounding area and my heartbeat picked up in my chest. That noise was so, so... irritating.

I had to make it stop.

My feet carried me down the middle aisle as I continued to scour the large open room for the source of the sound. The longer it took for me to find the noise, the quicker my pulse got. I almost felt itchy as the clicking pounded against my ear drums. It was like a bee buzzing by my ear, I just wanted to get rid of it.

When I thought I was on the edge of insanity, I rounded the corner and the clicking stopped as my eyes landed on a girl. She was alone, sitting at one of the various tables scattered across the library. I noticed that all the other tables were empty, however, I didn't think much about it. My eyes landed on a pen held in her right hand. That must've been the sound.

I felt myself begin to relax once the noise had subsided. I nearly laughed at myself as I took deep breaths to calm my erratic heartbeat. Why did a pen clicking make me feel so on edge and agitated? I haven't been annoyed by those things since I was younger. I rolled my eyes at myself, realizing how ridiculous my behavior was and started to turn around before a soft voice stopped me.

"Is there something I can help you with?" I looked back, realizing the girl who was previously clicking the pen was now talking to me. Meeting her curious eyes, I felt my face flush. I must've looked so insane, just standing there, staring at her. But then a thought popped into my mind.

"Yes, actually." I replied. Although I was almost positive I had never seen her at this library, she looked smart enough and she was the only person around, so why not try? "Do you know where I can find the medical books?" She looked over me for a second, maybe surprised that I actually had a question. But eventually, she shook it off and met my eyes once again. It was then that I realized I was wrong. She wasn't surprised I had a question. No, it was like she almost knew exactly what I was going to ask. Like she had anticipated my question.

She suddenly stood up from her chair and straightened her ice white blouse before grabbing her things and walking towards me. My gaze followed her movements and I noticed a book clutched in her hands that matched the color of her blouse with a silver symbol etched on the front. I couldn't quite make out what it was before she pressed it against her chest and looked up at me.

"Sure, what are you looking for?" She smiled politely and, with her being in such close proximity, I was finally able to see her better. She nearly took my breath away as I studied her beautiful features. Her silky, brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail and her long bangs framed her face nicely. She had slightly puffy cheeks, a small nose, and pink, full lips that made her resemble a cute arctic animal. But her eyes told a different story.

They were brown with several other colors mixed in, but they were different from Jeongyeon's. This girl's eyes were softer but they seemed to hold something more. Something that made her seem wise and experienced despite the youthful glow she had. Like she had been through a lot in her life.

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