{5} Epiphany

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Epiphany - a moment of sudden revelation or insight.


I stood in the elevator at 3 am with a baby blue towel slung over my shoulder and a water bottle held in my hands, impatiently waiting for the doors to open. I was on my way to the gym to hopefully burn off some stress. Eventually, a loud ding sounded from the machine, so loud that I could feel the vibrations echoing throughout my skull. My sensitive hearing was gradually getting worse. It managed to bring back my seemingly never-ending headache anytime I heard a loud noise. Although that was something I could handle, for now.

My vision, on the other hand, seemed unbearable at times. I looked up, just above the elevator door and attempted to read the bold red letters. They appeared extremely blurry, but, moving closer, I was able to make out the words, Floor 3. Luckily I had managed to hit the correct button for the gym floor. I sighed and left the elevator after the doors slid open.

The halls of the apartment building were quiet and dim, most likely because it was well into the night and the residents were fast asleep. If only I had that luxury. Sleep was something I found myself getting less and less of lately. Lucky for me though, the gym here was open 24/7, so I could finally release some of my pent up frustration.

As I rounded the corner, the room surrounded by glass and filled with workout equipment came into view. I felt a bit relieved when I didn't see anyone around. It's not that I would mind other people working out around me, but this late at night I really didn't feel like talking to someone if they tried to engage me in conversation. Plus, I liked being alone most of the time anyways.

Or at least I thought. But, now that I think about it, the last few times I've been alone have been horrible. If anything, I've enjoyed my time more with the few strangers I've met, rather than with my own thoughts to keep me company. Of course, that's because my mind lately has been tormenting. Which, also, I've just realized, is a new occurrence. Maybe my memory is still foggy, but before the accident I remember being relatively happy with myself. Now, I couldn't say the same.

I sighed, another thing I've been doing lately, and walked into the gym. Looking around, I spotted the treadmills and decided that would be a good place to start. I stretched my legs out a bit before hopping on the machine, thinking that a little cardio should help get my heart pumping and my body all warmed up. My eyes then scanned the machine in front of me, selecting a pace that wasn't too fast but wasn't too slow either. Just right. I thought to myself before starting to jog.

Five minutes? Twenty minutes? I wasn't sure exactly how much had passed. All I was focused on was the music blasting from my headphones and my feet bouncing with every step on the moving track below me. I continued to let my feet carry me as I felt my heart pump faster and faster, remembering the exciting thrill and adrenaline of exercising.

Although, I was eventually pulled out of my focused state when I heard a muffled voice over my music. Allowing myself to relax for a moment, I turned down the treadmill to a walk and glanced over to my right. That's when I saw a girl on the treadmill next to me. At first I was shocked that I didn't notice her enter. I guess I was just stuck in my own little world, almost like I was in a coma.

Sure, strange things have happened to me these past few days: nearly getting hit by a car, meeting strangers that seem to be at the right place at the right time, and even getting suspected of having brain trauma. Yet, someone coming to the gym in the dead of night was up there on the list of weird occurrences.

Despite that, the first thing I noticed about her was the bright orange crop top she was wearing. It contrasted greatly with her long black hair and the black yoga pants she was wearing. Her choice of clothing gave me full view of her toned stomach and thighs and I ended up blushing.

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