{4} Selcouth

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Selcouth - unfamiliar, rare, strange, and yet....marvelous


Once I stepped out of the library, with the textbook recommended from the stranger clutched firmly in my hands, I immediately felt a wave of negative emotions come rushing back. The ones I have been trying to get rid of ever since the incident. Yet, somehow, they always persisted.

Maybe they have always been there, but were just momentarily subdued because of the two kind strangers that I had managed to meet in the span of a few days. They kept my mind occupied so I wasn't constantly thinking about all the things I hated about myself. Because of that, I knew I would never forget their names, even with my fading memory.

Jeongyeon and Mina.

Although, now that they were gone, my pessimistic thoughts were allowed to take over. My headache returned and, even though it was nearly sundown, the little sunlight that remained in the sky caused me to squint my eyes. I knew this wouldn't end soon so I decided it was just best to try and get home before it gets worse.

With my one hand holding the textbook and one held above my eyes to block the sunlight, I started walking down the sidewalk. Surprisingly there was no traffic on the road or the sidewalk. No one was around. Or so I though, until I briefly glanced across the street and saw someone on the corner.

The person seemed to be looking at me. I didn't think much of considering I was the only other person around, until I moved closer to the road and got a good look at them. Or her. Just like the last two strangers I had encountered, she was strikingly beautiful with shoulder length light brown hair and big doe eyes. The only difference was that she gave off a strong aura of happiness and positivity.

The bright smile that overtook her features when we made eye contact wiped all the negative emotions from my mind. She made me feel like everything would be alright, as long as I believed it would. If I kept an optimistic mindset, nothing could bring me down. And, for the first time in a while, I felt myself smiling back.

Yet, just as soon a she had appeared, a car passed in front of her and she was gone. In the blink of an eye. The smile on my face slowly morphed back into my permanent neutral expression and I sighed. Sure I didn't know the girl and I had literally only seen her for a minute, but something about her made me want to get to know her. I suppose it was the fact that she succeeded in completely changing my mood with just a simple smile.

Although I knew I would probably never see the stranger again, the image of her remained in my mind. Her warm smile and bright eyes managed to suppress my pessimistic mind for the remainder of my walk back to my apartment. It's amazing how such a small gesture can have so much power, I thought as I walked through the door to my apartment.

Home sweet home... I sighed, placing the textbook softly on my desk. The limited desk space I had made the textbook appear larger than it was as I flipped to the very first page. The title appeared again:

The Brain After Traumatic Events

I was never much of a reader. Sure, I've been to the library often but my interests have always been more on the musical side. Singing, playing instruments, and even dancing took my attention rather than reading and writing. That didn't stop me from enjoying classics in my free time though.

I flipped the page again and began reading, trying to soak in every bit of information. Yet, as my eyes scanned across every word on the page, the details written seemed a bit too vague. Too vague for something factual like a medical book and instead seemed like more of a journal, written by one person.

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