{6} Serendipity

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Serendipity - the chance occurrence of events in a beneficial way.


As my eyes scanned across the white ceiling above me, my mind searched through memories of last night. I vaguely recall going to the gym and seeing someone there. Momo was her name, I remembered. We both challenged each other and then it all went black after I assume I passed out. Most likely from all the physical exertion.

But after that, my mind was blank. I don't remember how I got back to my room or anything that happened before waking up. Did Momo help me back to my apartment? Or did I make it myself and just forget?

Before I could ask anymore questions, a loud ringing noise erupted, causing me to jump in surprise. My wind-up clock was somehow on the floor, screeching like an annoying child. I must've knocked it over by accident. So much for the calmness earlier, now it's back to reality. I thought to myself and sighed.

Leaning over the side of the bed, I picked up the clock and started turning the dial. Once the clock hands were in the right place, I set it back on my bedside table. That's when I noticed a paper standing up next to it. Maybe this will give me the answers I was looking for, I guessed, grabbing the folded paper and leaning up to open it. The letter read:

Something happened after our workout, but don't worry, you're safe. I changed your clothes for you and put them in the laundry basket inside your bathroom. Go easy on yourself today, and don't be scared to contact me if you're still not feeling well.

~Momo (your workout buddy)

After reading the letter, I flipped the paper around and saw a phone number written on the back with a cute little heart next to it. I felt my heart flutter at the simple gesture before a sudden realization came over me.

The clothes I had on now weren't the same ones I was wearing last night. The athletic wear was replaced by a set a comfortable pajamas. A blush rushed to my face when I realized that Momo had actually changed my clothes and probably saw me half naked in the process. Nonetheless, I knew she was only trying to help and I appreciated the kind gesture.

After placing the letter back down on the table, I made a mental note to thank her the next time I see her. Sure she didn't do something major like save my life, but she did make sure I was alright and even carried me back to my apartment. Not just anyone would do that for a complete stranger, so I knew she was a good person. Plus, I didn't want to have a repeat of Jeongyeon where I never got to pay her back.

Speaking of Jeongyeon, I felt compelled to go for a walk through town. Maybe I just hoped I would see her again and finally be able to make up for my mistakes. Whatever it was, I decided to get dressed and head out. A walk out on the street was risky, especially knowing what happened last time I went out, but I would make sure to be extra cautious this time.

As I started down the sidewalk, the fresh air I breathed in felt clean and crisp, making me think that maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all. There weren't many people around and it was peaceful. I came to an intersection and the way I wanted to go would require me to cross the street. I looked both ways to make sure it was clear to cross before stepping out.

At first I was okay, but then I heard a car approaching and my anxiety consumed me. My knees started to shake underneath me and my mind began racing with horrible thoughts, causing my head to throb. Eventually I willed my eyes to look around, reassuring myself that I was in no imminent danger. Although, I soon became distracted when I saw something across the street that caught my eye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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