Chapter 14: I'm Sorry

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Time Skip - Apartment

Once we got to his apartment he placed me on his couch and turned on his heater.

Jungkook: "Stay here, I'll make you some hot chocolate."
After he made some hot choco he gave it to me, and I drank it immediately as I was very cold.

Jungkook: "Y/N why were you out walking at the park at this time of the night? Do you know how dangerous it is?" He said softly not wanting to make me cry again.

Y/N: "I wanted to take a walk and get some fresh air, I was really sad because you were ignoring me" I mumbled to myself but Jungkook still heard me.

I don't know why I'm feeling like this just because of him. I've never felt this before. I never have waited for someone to accept my apology. I don't even know why I'm saying sorry.

But there's just something in me that pushes me to say sorry to him. Heck, whenever I stole my brother's favourite shirts and hoodies I've never felt so sorry like this.

I guess I do lik-

He interrupted my thoughts when he called my name. Intending to say something serious. I can see it in his eyes that he's very nervous about what's he about to tell me.

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