Chapter 1- The pouring heart

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   Loving aimlessly was never a problem for them.

   Stepping...walking in the rain without a hoodie or jacket, and a broken umbrella. It was dark and quiet on the streets that night, with a few cars and some dim street lights. His light brown hair, wet from the rain and sleepy hazel eyes. Each step brought him closer to feeling alone. A car splashed him with a big puddle, leaving him drenched in cold water. Then a shadow like figure started to approach him. A tall black haired boy wearing a black trench coat stood before him. With his clean 'emo' haircut covered most of his right eye.

"Osta? what are you doing out here!? It's freakin' pouring cats and dogs!" The boy said, tears fell from Osta's eyes. "They didn't." He said, looking at a red and black bruised cut that was bleeding just slightly. "God dammit Osta. Stand up for yourself! Don't let them hurt you!"

Ostas voice was quiet, faint and scared. "P-please don't yell Chase."

"Right, sorry I forgot. I know you don't like yelling, come here." Chase held his arms out to him. Without hesitation, Osta ran into them, hugging him as if it was the end of the world. "Come on." Chase said grabbing his hand.

"Where are we going?"

"My house, stay over at my house for a few days. I'm sure my mum won't mind." Chase said softly.

"My parents..." His words shaking in his mind after speaking.

"Osta, they beat you. I won't let you go back to that. "

Osta staggered back almost falling. "Chase I'm...dizzy."

"Osta!" Chase swooped Osta up a princess carry position, giving Osta his umbrella to cover them from the rain. "You're heavier than I remember."

"Shut up Chase!" A rose pink shaded his cheeks. "You don't need to carry me."

Chase laughed and spoke softly. "Its okay." Chase lowered his face to his. Chases soft lips met his, and gently pressed against each other. "Lets get you home okay, cutie?" Osta nodded, putting his head against Chases chest to hear the beat ofhis heart.

They got to his house shortly, but it felt like a long time in the rain pouring around them. Instead of lonely and damp, it felt nice and somewhat peaceful. Their hearts were always together, even if they were far away from each other, they seemed to be close. Somehow most of the time they knew what each other were thinking or feeling, just by one glance. Osta knocked on the door for them to be let in, still being held by Chase. A woman greeted them.

"Hey mum." Chase said

His mother looked at Osta in his arms, then at his cut and looked back up at Chase. "Oh, dear, come in loves."

"Thank you Mrs, Angel" Osta said.

"Of course, you are welcome here anytime." She replied

"They did it to him again." Chase said, letting out a sigh of anger while putting him on the couch when they got in.

"Osta, you should tell someone."

"I'd say." Chase grumbled under his breath while she spoke.

She ignored his comment and continued "Do you want me to call the police and report it?" She finished.

"No! ...Please don't do that."

"Alright, but next time they do that, come straight here. Im tired of giving them chances."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Just call me Lilith." She said flatly

"Well, we're gonna go to my room and clean his cut."

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