•The dream•

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⚠️Slight nsfw warning for the next paragraph⚠️
Zim blushed harder as Dib pressed him against the wall. Dib's leg wedged between Zim's legs, pushing against his crotch. Dib leaned closer to his neck.

Zim bolted up, glad that it was a dream. Zim shuddered and decided now was an excellent time to take a shower and clear his head. His parents were likely still asleep and Zim could hear his little brother Gir snoring loudly. A quick glance to the clock showed it was 4:37. Zim rose from his bed and ran his hand through his hair, while he shuffled to the bathroom. Zim turned to face his reflection, eyes scanning over sickly pale green skin, lavender eyes, sharp teeth and dark hair. Zim turned his attention to stripping down, he didn't like looking at his reflection for long. Zim turned the faucet and cold, but clean, water rushed over Zim's head, Zim had a rare genetic skin condition that caused his green skin, a side effect was a reaction to pollutants in water, any type of meat, and beans. The water rushed down his shoulders and Zim couldn't even remember what he wanted to forget in the first place.
After his shower Zim toweled off and pulled on some fuzzy socks and basically anything pink from his sweater collection. Zim settled on doing some work on his latest project, this being a stun blaster.

The Morning rose on the membrane household as Dib, Gaz, Prof. Membrane, and the new addition to the family as of last year Clem, the kids' step-father. The family enjoyed a lovely breakfast, curtsey of foodio 3000 and some great banana pudding made lovingly by Clem.
After the family had eaten breakfast, the kids clambered in the car with Clem to head to high school while their father headed to the lab. Clem would stay home and clean when he wasn't working on his cookbook. Which had mostly desserts, since foodio wouldn't make desserts as they weren't "healthy".
"Goodbye kids!"
"Bye Clem,we love you!"
Gaz nodded and the two waved as their stepfather drove off. The two teens, a sophomore and junior in turn, headed in the campus to find their respective friends. Dib found Zim in the cafeteria and waved energetically. He started to walk over when he bumped into Gretchen.
"Oh! Dib! How are you?"
"Hey Gretchen, I'm good uh, how are you?" Gretchen smiled shyly and blushed a little.
"I'm amazing right now."
"That's great Gretch." Dib said as he walked past her to Zim. Dib didn't catch the hurt look on Gretchen's face.
"Hey man!"
Zim looked up shocked.
"The one and only! How are you today?"
"Good, i guess"
"That's good!"
Zim sighed and gripped his upper arms. Dib's face took on a worried look.
"Are you alright Zim?"
"It's nothing, just a weird dream and not getting enough sleep... Anyways you said you got a new lead on that ghost?"
Dib's eyes lit up and he started to ramble on about said leads, Zim tuned him out, he'd just repeat it all anyways when the two actually hunted down the ghost. Zim's mind kept on wandering back to that damn dream. Zim didn't know why he was dreaming like that about his only friend. Of course Zim knew that Dib was indeed gay. He knew this because he was the first person the young membrane came out to. Regardless, the dream was unnerving, Dib was his best friend, his only friend, aside from Gir.
Sure Dib was smart, handsome and tall... Zim was distracted from his thoughts as his eyes ate up the tall stature of the excitedly rambling boy in front of him. Zim's eyes widened and he slapped himself in punishment.
"You alright?"
Zim froze, he didn't know how to answer, the two usually shared everything but what if Dib was revolted and didn't want to be friends anymore. That couldn't happen, but Zim didn't want to lie to Dib either.
"You seem really out of it today, how about I do something to brighten up your day, huh?"
Zim nodded. Dib smiled and took a minute to think, his hand perched over his chin, a knuckle hovering just above his mouth. Dib's eyes suddenly lit up and he beamed.
"Thats IT!"
Zim was caught off guard by this and jumped back.
"I can sing you something!"
Zim raised an eyebrow.
"You, sing? Really Dib?"
Dib turned his head but Zim could still see an embarrassed red tint to Dib's cheeks.
"Yeah, I sing for my sister's band sometimes."
Zim chuckled, doubting Dib's word.
"Then sing for me Membrane."
Dib took in a breath and steadied his stance.
"She wore blue velvet, bluer than velvet was the night, softer than satin was light, from the stars-"
Dib stopped singing once he saw Zim's hands over his mouth and his lavender eyes all big.
"Are you okay!?"
Zim nodded.
"That was just, really nice."
"Oh, um thanks Zim. You should hear me when I actually have something planned and not something on the spot."
Dib chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. Zim smiled and his eyes went half lidded.
"You're so hot when you laugh."

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