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Zim asked in shock.
"Ah, have you heard of me?"
"I know you."
The boy looked confused,
"Well it is a shame that I do not remember a being as lovely as you."
He kissed Zim's hand once more and smiled up at the now red faced boy.
"Wow... such a flirt."
Zim mumbled.
"Should I stop?"
Dib asked,
"No! I mean, it's fine. Whatever."
Dib smiled.
"Very well fair Zim, I bid you a good night."
"Wait, stay here... with me... I don't want to be alone."
Zim couldn't stop the words that poured out of his mouth, Dib smiled gently and started to remove his armor.
"I'll protect you through any threat!"
He said courageously as he set down his breast plate, revealing lean muscle and a navy tank top. Zim couldn't fight the bloom of blood that rushed to tint his cheeks. Dib unlatched his leg armor and set it down carefully by his chest armor.
"Are you comfortable in that dress?"
Dib asked, Zim wanted to say yes, but his lips said no
"No, it's itchy, take it off for me?"
Dib flushed red and bowed his head.
"As you wish."
Dib took off his gloves and very carefully reached behind Zim, unlacing a corset Zim didn't know he was wearing. the dyed leather fell away and Zim shuddered from Dib's touch.
"Your skin is like porcelain fair Zim, absolutely beautiful."
Zim felt his face burn as Dib pressed a kiss to his clothed back. He could feel the knight gracefully undoing clasps, baring his back to the chilled air. Dib kissed gently down his back, almost as if he knew that he was growing cold. The dress went next, slipping off his form easily. Dib didn't linger or stare, merely kissed Zim's hand and tucked him in.
"Sleep fair Zim."
Zim felt a warm body spoon him from behind and kiss his ear softly. Zim relaxed into the hold, and Dib's hands on his waist, Zim was warm and comfy with Dib pressed against him and breathing softly. Zim never wanted it to end.
and then, he woke up.
Stirring and rubbing at his head, he pattted himself down.
He wanted to stay in that dream longer, he enjoyed it far too much. Perhaps he would be lucky and continue it another time. Zim looked at his clock and sighed, it was 1pm. He had been sleeping for a while. He pushed his thoughts of Dib caressing him and kissing his hand aside and got up, stretching with a yawn.
Dib would've called it catlike. Ugh, he had Dib on his brain, he needed a shower and some food to clear his head.

Doris Ira was cleaning her husband's study when she heard the shower running. Zim must be up, she should deliver his clothes while he showers since she hasn't gone to his room while he was home from school, not wanting to wake him.
He gathered a basket and set it in his room, noting how Dib had left a sweater here and that it was in the basket, having been washed. She'd ask her son to return it soon. She headed back to cleaning the house and decided to cook some breakfast for her darling Zimmykins.

Zim emerged from his shower with a clear head and sopping hair. He entered his room and adjusted his towel that hung around his waist. He dried himself and let the towel drop, squeezing his chubby hips with a huff. How was he a stick everywhere else, but his bottom and thighs were plump and jiggly? It wasn't fair.
Zim looked away and went to put on some boxers, he noticed the basket on the floor and started to put clothes away, halting when he found Dib's jacket. His mind rained with thoughts of the membrane, cheeks going flushed. He still needed to process what was happening.
He had started having wet dreams about his best friend. He thought said best friend was hot and jerked and sucked him off while the boy was asleep. Why did he do that? Was he just drowsy and it made sense? Or did he just want to deep down... Dib had always been beautiful to him.

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