chap ii.

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"Who are you?"

The brave yet naive girl who wishes to have a drink from this untrusty bartender chuckles in response. If only she knew what trouble she's getting herself into. This bartender is into unexperienced girls – and yes, he can tell if a girl is unexperienced because he, himself, is a veteran in this field already – who he can surely trick and have a one-night stand with. He was the one who gave my schoolmate a drink and then the next day, rumors said she wanted to know him better since he devirginized her. He also did it to my friend's cousin and as far as I'm concerned, my friend's cousin was head-over-heels for him, that's why she didn't even complain at all. I truly wonder why these girls want him so bad, he's not even that handsome nor manly.


I place my glass on the table. I clear my throat and pull the collar of my shirt as I cross my arms over my chest, acting cool but in reality, I'm nervous that she will think I'm someone who's going to kidnap her or something. My mouth slowly approaches her ears.

"Trust me please, I'm saving you. When I say run, go straight to your right and never look back. I'll be behind you."

I can see her face filled with confusion, but I give her my 'just-trust-me' look.

"I guess I'm just the guy,"

I grab the glass this bartender made for this girl. I take a closer look at it, and I'm not mistaken. There are still undissolved powders at the bottom.
I take a quick glance on her and to the bartender.

"Who will save you from this mother fucker! Go!"

I splash the drink on his eyes as I gather all my strength to run as fast as I can, following her. The crowd isn't bothered at all, it's because of the music. I hear him yelling stop, but we don't mind. We reach a quiet place and I find a narrow road; I pull her and now I'm on top of her as I pin her on the wall, covering her mouth with my right hand. I signal her to hush as we hear the footsteps near us.

"You both won't get away with this!"

We hear him say, breathlessly. I remove my hand in her mouth as I look back to her.

"What the fuck just happened?"

She says, catching her breath. Do I look weird just by saying this, she looks kind of cute when she breathes heavily?

"Damn, I knew my instincts were right! That's why his acts look strange to me,"

"I'm actually glad I left my keys on that table. If I didn't, you'd be his.. third victim for sure."

We both chuckle, and then the awkwardness fill the air.

"You know what? In all honesty, I still don't get it why I'm trusting you but, thanks for tonight."

She says, giving me that smile. This is something, I know.


It's our 5th monthsary today, and he came to my house with a bouquet of blue tulips. The past 5 months were bursting of ups and downs, and I guess that's just a part of it. However, I don't want to lie to myself because I know, we've been into fighting than learning to grow from those. But I love him so much, I'm not willing to weigh more the bad side over the good one. I believe we're experiencing this because we're new to this. I know he loves me so much, he just wants to be perfect for me. He wants to give his best to me, that's why whenever he feels like he isn't enough, he wants to stop. Or that's just what I thought?



"Madie, I'm so sorry. I don't think I'm ready to be serious with these feelings,"

I say, tears already forming in the corner of my eyes. I know I don't have the right to cry, because I'm the one ending this. But I do really feel sorry for her. She does not deserve a man who can't be serious for her. She does not deserve me, she deserves better.

"Are you sure about that?"

She replies with full of hope in her voice. I may not be so sure where this decision will take me, but I'm doing this for her.

"Yes, I'm so sorry."


Weeks have passed, Joseph came back to me. I accepted him, that's because I love him, and I believe in second chances. I hope this time, we become stronger. He became sweeter, I'm so glad. I hope this never ends.


"I need to find myself, to love you even more, to be better for you,"

I just can't bear to let her suffer because of me.

"It's okay, take your time."

She's always been so understanding.


It's hard for me to accept him this time, but what can I do? I love him. And maybe, hopefully, this sixth time, everything will be better. Am I stupid, or am I just in love?


"Do you still got any respect left for yourself? Do you honestly think you're still 'in love'? That's bullshit! It ain't love if it continues to hurt both parties. When you choose to love, you choose to grow in every pain. But what the actual fuck? You don't grow, your relationship stays futile. You both are at fault; he's taking advantage of your kindness, while you stay blind letting him do that to you. Are you the only one who's hurting right now? I've already told you for the nth time, that jerk does not love you. He just loves the idea of being in love, but he does not want to experience it with you at all!"

I scold Madie for being so hard-headed. I'm so sick of this. Can you just imagine how stupid a person can be? My best friend doesn't deserve to be treated like this. I know she's one of the kindest persons you'll ever meet, but that doesn't give you the right to step on her just because you know she's ready to forgive you anytime. She's been so very optimistic in everything. I can literally count the number of times I've seen her cry.


Gina's always been like my mother. I fully understand why she acts this way. I kind of agree, but, she's not in my shoes so she cannot understand how I'm feeling right now. I guess people's saying is right, when you love, you're completely blinded by it..

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