~ DeMar x Kyle; Day 20: Shopping Together ~

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This ship was suggested by SovietReichless! I loved writing about these two! Thanks for the suggestion! Warning!: There will be Klephen. You know you saw it coming.

" I'll have you know DeMar that I'm not cute!" Kyle protested as he looked at his boyfriend sternly. DeMar rolled his eyes cupped Kyle's face. Kyle's face was flushed with heat and as he cheeks were tainting to a more darker red.
" You seem pretty cute to me Ky. Well, you're more adorable than cute. But, hey that's my opinion." DeMar chuckled and pecked Kyle's forehead. Kyle shoved him away slightly. DeMar, being the dramatic one he is around Kyle, took great offence to this action his small boyfriend did.
" Kyle. How could you?! You hurt me. I'm gravely wounded." DeMar exclaimed as Kyle stood there, completely unamused.
" DeMar. We're in public. Please stop." Kyle said as he looked around them. The two of them went to the mall to shop and then they were in this situation. Inside a store.
" Oh. We're at the mall? I completely forgot because of how lost I was in your beautiful eyes." DeMar held Kyle's hand and kissed it. Kyle blushed and took DeMar's hand into his. Then, the two of them left the store. They did get each other a couple of things, some were as jokes but some were actually useful stuff. They continued to talk to each other, entering another store. As they wandered the store, they went silent when they heard these familiar voices coming from the aisle next to them.
" Really?" A slightly high-pitched male voice spoke. DeMar and Kyle listened into the conversation, trying to figure out who it was.
" C'mon Steph. You know I didn't mean it." Another male voice spoke. DeMar and Kyle looked at each other.
" Where ever there's Steph there's bound to be" Kyle started whispering to DeMar. The two of them finished the sentence.
" Klay." They said in sync. The two of them laughed and went to the aisle where there were was, like they guessed, Steph and Klay. The Splash Brothers continued to bicker.
" Hey guys!" Kyle greeted. DeMar said a polite 'hello' and fell silent, letting his boyfriend do the talking because he wasn't that good at it. The Splash Brothers shut up. Klay turned around. Steph stepped closer to DeMar and Kyle and smiled. They all greeted each other and they continued to talk. DeMar tried to be as confident as possible, no matter how many times he accidentally stuttered. Klay wasn't much of a person who talked much so him and DeMar got along perfectly. Unlike their boyfriends who were more like a chatterbox.
" They don't know how to shut up do they? They're pretty much the same person." Klay said with a laugh at the end. DeMar laughed as well. Steph and Kyle stopped talking and turned to the two of them.
" I heard that!" The two said in sync. Klay crossed his arms and leaned slightly closer to DeMar.
" I told you they were the exact same." Klay said with a smirk as he looked at his boyfriend who's face was turning redder as we speak, Kyle the exact same except DeMar was looking at him, lovingly smiling at him.
" Hey guys! I have an idea!" Steph said out of the blue. Everyone looked at him, letting him finish. He put his hands on his hips and stated with a smile,
" It's a challenge. What the challenge is is that we have to...um...I forget what I was going to say" Everyone laughed. Steph faces flushed red with embarrassment. Klay walked over to Steph and kissed him, which made his face flush more red. Kyle smiled at the couple, DeMar just looked at Kyle through the corner of his eye, enjoying his beauty.
" Well then. We really should get going. It was nice seeing you two again!" Klay said with smile. Steph just nodded along, still embarrassed. They all said there goodbyes. Our main couple watched the two leave. They decided that it was also time that they left. There wasn't any good stores that they could go into.
" Hey Kyle?" DeMar asked as the two of them walked hand in hand back to their car.
" Yeah Deebo? What's on your mind?" Kyle asked as they got to their car. Kyle began unlocking the car and getting into the driver's seat, DeMar getting into the passenger's seat.
" You never told me that Klay and Steph were together." DeMar said as he looked at his boyfriend begin to drive. Kyle looked at him through the corner of his eye as if he was insane.
" Well, I thought you knew! Basically everyone knows that!" Kyle exclaimed. DeMar chuckled and said,
" Well, hate to break it to you, I didn't. And also, don't assume what I do or don't know!" The two of them shared a laugh. When the two of them returned to their home they relaxed on the couch, soon cuddling each other and falling asleep. And that's just how they liked it.

Authors Note:

I would've had this out yesterday, but HOMEWORK IS A PAIN IN THE ASS! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. It took me a day to write 😂

- Toxic ❤️💞

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