😂 Random ass one-shot 😂

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(This one is based off of a one-shot by LiveGrace30!I really liked it and I thought it was an amazing one shot, so, here we are.)

           “Don't even think about it, Klay.” Stephen growled at his companion. Klay clenched his teeth in anger to repress the words that wanted to slip out of his mouth. You see, the two of them got into an argument over something that wasn't a big deal, but Klay knowing Stephen all too well at this point, knew he would take it farther then it should've been taken. Klay stood behind Stephen and placed a hand on his shoulder, which Stephen immediately shook off, turning around in the process.

           “Steph...baby, can we just stop fighting?” Klay practically mumbled. Stephen interrupted with his unneeded and unwanted yelling.

           “You think I'm just going to forgive you just like that? Are you insane?!” Klay took a hold of the smaller man's wrists and held them firmly.

           “Look. I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know that that's the way things were gonna turn out.” Klay searched Stephen’s eyes for any looks of sympathy, but he was only met with anger.

           “Yeah. You obviously didn't.” Stephen's sour attitude bellowed. Klay didn't know what to do. Stephen was getting on his nerves deeply. But, he loved him too much to yell back at him or say something that he would regret for probably the rest of his life. Klay let out an exasperated sigh and pulled Stephen into a hug. Stephen wanted to hug him back, but the anger and embarrassment  he was feeling clouded that thought.

           “Klay! Let go of me!” Stephen demanded, but that only made Klay hug him tighter. 

           “I'm not letting go of you until you calm down!" Klay protested. The two of them just stayed like that, in silence. The only sounds that could be heard were their breathing. Klay released Stephen from his hugging restraint. Stephen just remained silent, looking at Klay. Klay looked back at him. Klay was about to speak, but was cut off.

          “Don't. Just, don't say anything.” Stephen spoke. Klay wanted to say what he wanted to say, but it's already been a long fight that's been going on for what seemed like hours and he didn't want to push it. He finally got Stephen to stop yelling at him. 

          “Stephen, I'm sorry.” Klay apologized once more. At this point, the apologies were getting on Stephen's nerves.

          “Would you stop apologizing already?” Stephen gritted through his clenched teeth. Klay wanted to give him one more apology, but he immediately thought against that once more. Instead, he just gave him a nod of approval. At this moment, there were so many things Klay wanted, but he wasn't getting any one of them. He wanted his boyfriend to forgive him, he wanted time to go back before all of this nonsense started, he wanted to change the actions he made, but life isn’t like a video game where you can just restart and change a choice you made. That’s just not how life works, even though we wished that's how it worked. I’ve messed up. I’ve messed up everything. Klay thought to himself. Stephen’s eyes widened in shock as he saw his partner hug his own arms, tears slowly trickling down his cheeks as his head hung slightly lower to avoid eye contact with his smaller partner. The sympathetic Stephen would’ve immediately embraced the taller man and would've showered him with love and affection, but that Stephen wasn’t present. The Stephen that was in front of the crying taller man was an insensitive one. He should be crying. I could care less. Stephen was sickened by his own thoughts. How could he think of such a dastardly thing, especially about someone he really cared about. He snapped out of his angry hypnotic state and he hugged Klay.

          “Baby please don’t cry! This is all my fault, I should’ve never snapped at you for something as small as that.” The sympathetic Stephen was coming back to Stephen slowly. Klay sniffled as he hugged Stephen back, feeling a sense of comfort wash over him. He felt safe and loved. He didn’t care about what Stephen said before, he was relieved that he was finally back in his arms once again. The two of them finally made up after the incident…

It was after their game against the LA Clippers (shoutout to my sister for picking this team, I geuss.) and the Splash Brothers were whisked away into a post-game interview. Everything was running smoothly until Klay decided when it was time for them to go to give Stephen a kiss on the cheek in front of all the reporters, thank goodness the Splash Brothers were already out of the room before the cameras could get a good shot of them. Stephen was blushing profusely, mainly from embarrassment. Klay didn’t see any harm caused by it. I mean, the excuse could be that it’s just a friend thing since friend’s can kiss each other on the cheek and mean it in a ‘no homo’  type of way, which is exactly how Klay thought of it, but would the reporters think of it like that? No one really knows…

         "..Do you forgive me?" Stephen said. Klay was about to reply with 'yes' but he hesitated. Did we really go through all of that fighting because Steph was in a pissed off mood!? And now he thinks that I'm just gonna forgive him like that!? Out of everything I've had to put up with tonight, this is all I get in return. He really thinks his apology is gonna cut it? Well, I've got news for him...

          "Klay?" Stephen said, stilling awaiting on Klay's response. The two released from their hug. Klay wanted to say no, which would prompt yet another fight, but, he was too hypnotized by Steph's gorgeous eyes to say that. He fell under his spell.

          "Yes. I forgive you." Klay said softly. Steph smirked and planted a soft kiss onto Klay's lips. Klay felt pangs of guilt rush through his body. Why couldn't I just say it?

Author's Note:

Hey guys. Sorry that my other books have been REALLY dead. I just have a lot of homework and stuff, so, yeah. I hope this one-shot makes up for it. Sorry that I never got to writing the ones that other people recommended. I just couldn't think of anything for them. Anyways, see you guys in the next one!

- 💕 Toxic 💕

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