~ Is This All A Dream?! ~

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I woke up yet again, staring up at the ceiling. Somedays I feel like I don't want to wake up. I just want to stay asleep...forever and never wake up. Like a coma that lasts for eternity. But why you're in a coma is because you lost someone you loved with all your life and it's your fault they're dead. But you also know that they would tell you otherwise. That why they died was everything but your fault, but you immediately take the blame for it. I feel the tears begin to prick at my eyes once more, bringing back memories I tried to push down to stop myself from crying, but sometimes, they can't stay held down forever. They eventually come up again for air and that air is the memories that flood into my head and replay. I sit up, trying to ignore the aching pain in my back. I rub the area with my hand, hoping it will make the pain seem less throbbing, but obviously, that didn't work. I got out of bed, even though my mind was still in the same mentality of last night. Never ending crying, inaudible mumbling to self, repeating the phrase "It's your fault." over and over until your body shuts down and practically forces you to sleep. I went to the bathroom and slowly got ready for the day. I look in the mirror to only be met with a hideous sight. Red puffy cheeks, practically bloodshot eyes, dark circles that seem to have no end. I washed my face, hoping it will make me look better and more awake. It didn't change a thing. I still looked horrible. I threw on a sweater and sweatpants. No need to look nice. It's not like I'm trying to impress someone. My stomach yearned for food, even though I wanted to push that craving away and go yet another day without breakfast. Imagine what Klay would think about you doing this? A voice bellows in my head. I froze but then decided that I might as well eat after a couple seconds of silence. I've already gone almost a week without breakfast. Might as well try to break that habit, I suppose. I make my way downstairs.

I open the fridge to be me with very minimal supplies. I mumble to myself, not expecting an answer back.

" I really need to go grocery shopping...I won't survive in these kinds of conditions." I find some ingredients to make eggs and a piece of toast. I began preparing my makeshaft breakfast. My mouth watered at the scent of the eggs. I haven't smelt okay food in like...ages! I miss when Klay used to make breakfast...He sure did make them really well...Tears yet again began to poke at the bridges of my eyes. You need to stop crying. You've never gone one day without crying. Try to change that. I let out an exasperated sigh and took out a plate and put the eggs onto it. The toast came out of the toaster and I put that on the plate. Nothing on it, just plain toasted toast. I sat at the kitchen table, eating in complete silence. I see my phone across from me. I must've left it there last night. It began buzzing. I ignored the buzzing. But the buzzing just continued. I groaned and grabbed it from across the table. I turned it on. 48 messages from Draymond. 12 missed calls from Kevin Durant. I stared at the messages and the other notifications. I put the phone down and continued to eat, letting my thoughts race around my head like speeding cars. You should tell them that you're okay. You know that they're asking how you've been holding up? So, just lie like you always do and say that you're fine. I finished eating and I got up from the table to start washing my plate. I left it on the dish rack to dry. I grabbed my phone from the dining table and held it in my hand as I sat on the couch.

" I should probably text them telling them that I'm alright. I know that they're worried about me but...why? There's no point in worrying about me." I said, opening my phone. I opened up Messages and I opened up the name "Draymond". My fingers began typing. 'Hey Dray. Sorry for not answering your messages. Please stop spamming me 😂 Anyways, I read your messages and I'm fine...really. Also, tell KD to stop the spam calls.' I sent the message, feeling microscopically better than I was a couple of seconds ago. I snuggled into my sweater and began closing my eyes slowly. I drifted to sleep.

" W-What the hell?! How did I get here?" I immediately shot out of my sleep. What the hell was that?!...But that voice..It sounds so familiar...I stood up and turned around. I began coughing and choking on air. There was Klay standing in the middle of the kitchen, looking at me with tears in his eyes. He made his way over to me. How is he here right now?! I'm dreaming. I must be fucking dreaming or I've completely lost my mind. I looked up at Klay and I saw him smile at me. My coughing calmed down as soon as he stood in front of me.

" Hey Steph...It's been a while huh?" He said softly. I just stood there, dumbfounded at the sight of my boyfriend's ghost standing in front of me.

" How-How the hell are you here?! I'm dreaming or I'm hallucinating. Y-Yeah I must be hallucinating." I said the last part mostly to myself. I saw Klay reach for my hand, but I could tell by his expression that he decided against it due to his ghost form. He sighed and said,

" You aren't hallucinating, Steph. I'm here...somehow. I'm just as confused as you are." My heart was racing. My eyes began welling up with tears. My urges to hug him became stronger and stronger but I know that I can't so I hugged my own arms.

" Kl-Klay...I've missed you...so much." I said quietly, I didn't have enough energy to speak any louder than I was. Klay caressed my cheek. I only felt a wisp of air skim my right cheek. I knew that it was Klay.

" So have I...I also want you to stop blaming yourself for my...passing. It's no one's fault except my own fault. I'm happy that you ate breakfast today! You've been skipping it lately and it was beginning to worry me." Klay smiled innocently. He's been watching over me? All this time...and I've never noticed.

" You've been watching over me?" I said, smiling at Klay. My brain is still thinking that this is all a hallucination, but I'm slowly starting to believe that this isn't a hallucination.

" Of course I have! Why wouldn't I?" Klay said. I didn't know what to say. I was just speechless. He's here. He's really here. It's almost as if he never left. I fell silent, still trying to process everything.

" Steph...Baby? You okay? You still seem sorta..silent." Klay worriedly spoke. I chuckled and wiped away some of the stray tears that were making their way down my cheeks.

" Sorry Klay. It's just that all of this seems like a dream. What's freaking me out the most is how you're here. In my house. It's just...I just can't believe it. And if this is a dream I don't want it to end!" I said with a smile. Klay and I shared a laugh. It's been a while since the two of us have done that. It's also been a while since I've smiled...or laughed. After we stopped laughing, I saw Klay's face go serious.

" Baby? What's wrong?" I exclaimed. Klay then said with a grim expression.

" I'm sorry, but my time is up for now. I will be back tomorrow. I promise you that." I stood in front of Klay, tears forming yet again.

" Bu-But you just got here! Why are you leaving so soon?!" I said, my voice beginning to crack at the end slightly from the tears.

" Today was just like a preview. Tomorrow I'll be able to stay longer and leave whenever I want to. But there are limits to that...Listen, I've got to go now Steph. Just remember that I love you and I'll never stop loving you." I cried as Klay's ghost began to fade away. I fell to my knees and hugged myself. I looked up at the ceiling once more as a smile spread across my face.

" I will never stop loving you. Never have and never will Klay."

Author's Note:

Hey everyone! Wow, two chapters in one day?! Haven't seen that in a while, huh? Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! It took a while to write XD

- Toxic

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