Chapter Seven-Updated

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Ella huffed angrily, bringing her hand to her forehead to wipe the bead of sweat already forming. She stroked out yet another possible job vacancy which happened to be the last on her list. Her day just wasn't going right but she wasn't ready to grovel at Dylan Vergara's feet yet.

She needed a job badly and luck didn't seem to be on her side at least not today. She warily folded the paper and shoved it into her tote then put her palm away from her forehead to shield against the glaring sunlight. She muttered something unintelligible and began to walk away.

Ella yelped suddenly as a large hand close over her mouth. Panic jammed across her chest as she was hauled from the ground and shoved into a van.

''let me go!'' Ella fought madly against her abductors kicking and squirming. ''Who are you people?'' she demanded and shrank back when one of them pulled out a switch blade and held it against her face.

'Behave and I wouldn't cut that pretty face of yours.''

''Where are you taking me?'' She demanded again. Glancing around she saw two more men, one was the driver.

''somewhere to teach your father a lesson for taking us for granted.''

Ella felt her world tip over as she thought in horror this cannot be happening. She sat back in considerable silence willing herself to not panic but remain calm all the while thinking of an escape plan. Whatever they were going to do to her she wasn't surrendering without a fight.

They finally pulled over at a deserted part of town. Ella's heart leapt to her throat as she realized her chances of escaped were pretty slim, even if she yelled no one would hear her and they were bigger than she was she couldn't fight them.

She was pulled roughly out of the van and would've fell face first onto the dirt path if not for the hold her captor had on her upper arm. The third man ventured away from them to the nearest bush to relieve himself while the driver stayed back in the van.

''You should take her to Lucio he had been very impatient.'' The driver said to the man holding her.

Ella swore under her breath as his fingers dug into her arm. She glanced back and saw no sign of the third man then without thinking she grabbed her captor's hand and sank her teeth into his flesh he yelped in pain, his hold on her arm loosened she didn't hesitate as she flung her leg out and caught him in the groin. Then she ran for her dear life ignoring the yells that called out after her. Ella darted into the nearest bush.

Glancing over her shoulder, a sense of dread washed over her at the thought of being followed.

Cold sweat beaded her forehead and another trickled down her spine. She heard the unmistaken slam of a car door and then powerful footsteps pounded on the ground.

Panic jammed in her chest.

Ella ran with all the might her body could allow–not that she was athletic of course– her lungs and calves burned with a searing pain from exertion.

Suddenly, she felt herself being hoisted up from the ground by strong masculine arms. She screamed at the top of her lungs, struggling, flailing her legs and arms frantically. When her assailant finally put her back down she twisted and without warning delivered a powerful kick to his shin. His grunt of pain echoed in the woods.

''What did you do that for!''

That voice! Ella's eyes widened in apprehension, she knew that voice!