Chapter 1.

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Dallon rubbed his eyes when he heard a knock on the door of his office, tearing them away from the screen in front of him. He has been on the dark web for hours, trying to find the location of a new network of omega traffickers. It was part of his job. He had to stop horrible people who were selling human beings for money. That wasn't a funny job, but it gave him the impression he was helpful. Saving people and stopping delinquents was his duty and he loved that.

"Come in," he said to the person who was waiting behind the door.

After a little squeak, a young man entered his office.

"Hello Captain, I'm Mike Naran, I'm new in your division, I arrived this morning," he explained.

"Ah yes, Detective Naran. I'm sorry I wasn't here to show you the place, I thought you would arrive tomorrow... Did you met everyone?" Dallon asked, standing up.

"Yes and Sergeant Seaman told me to go see you," he nodded.

"Great, follow me, I will explain you what we do" Dallon said and left his office to go to the room where his team was working.
"Our division is specifically charged to protect omegas. When we're not on patrol in the streets, we intervene if we get a distress call or we search informations on internet to solve cases," Dallon added while they both sat with his coworkers.

"Informations about what?" Mike asked, seeming a bit confused.

"About omegas trafficking. More and more betas are capturing omegas to sell them to desperate alphas. It's a way to gain a lot of money with only one omega sold, but it's totally illegal," Dan explained, one of Dallon's colleagues.

"Why are you so sure traffickers are betas? I could be alphas..." Mike questioned.

"Because alphas don't share. They're possessive and have an instinctive need to mark an omega. However, unmarked omegas are becoming more and more rare these days. If they had one omega, they wouldn't sell them, they would keep them and try to mark them," Dallon explained.

"You talk about alphas like you weren't one of them too," Mike noticed.

Dallon couldn't help but frown a little at those words.

Yes, he was an alpha. But sometimes he would rather forget that.

"It's because I'm not really like most alphas..." Dallon said, shrugging.

"You pretty much look like the other alphas to me," Ryan said with a little smile. "You're the captain, a leader, it's you who plan our missions. You like being in charge of things, giving directives. I've seen a lot of alphas enjoying that too."

"But I'm not attracted to you, despite the fact you're an omega," Dallon reminded him, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course you're not attracted by me! We're best friends!" Ryan replied with evidence.

"Yeah, but what I mean is that I don't understand why they're so into omegas... And they talk about them like if omegas were objects, act like if they were their property, just here to submit to them and give them pleasure... Some alphas even rape omegas without scruple. That's disgusting," he replied, crossing his arms.

Really, Dallon couldn't really stand other alphas at this point. Sometimes he even doubt the fact to be one of them. He felt so different... He wasn't obsessed by the thought of marking and breeding with an omega, like other alphas seemed to be. Of course, if an omega was in heat next to him his body would react to the pheromones, but he was able to control himself.

He never felt attracted by an omega. He only had slept with betas and it was great. He will probably fall in love with a pretty beta someday, marry them and maybe adopt a kid or two... And he would be happy about it, even if it's not what an alpha usually do.

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