Chapter 3.

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Today was Dallon and Ryan day off.

They decided to spend the day outside, eating in a Chinese restaurant. Of course Lucy was with them. A mated alpha was kinda possessive toward their omega and a mated omega didn't stand to spend too much time far from their alpha. That was their natural instincts

That's why Lucy didn't like when Ryan and Dallon, an unmated alpha, were spending time alone together. But that didn't mean she didn't like Dallon. She was his friend. His only alpha friend.

Before Lucy and Ryan met, a lot of people thought Ryan and Dallon would end up together, despite the fact that they were best friends, claiming that a friendship between an alpha and an omega couldn't exist. They were wrong, obviously.

As they were eating, Dallon phone vibrated and he looked at the message he just got.

"What's happening?" Lucy asked, seeing the frown on his face.

"I put Detective Naran on a case, I needed some informations about a party and he's confirming my suspicions," Dallon explained.

"Which party?" she questioned, curious.

"A sort of masquerade... You know, with carnival masks and rich people. It's taking place in a private nightclub and from the outside, nothing seem unusual. But, by seeing who are the guests, I think this party is just a cover for something else" he said.

"Who are the guests?" Ryan asked.

"Most of them are rich alphas," Dallon replied.

"Oh" Ryan and Lucy both said, understanding Dallon's suspicions.


Dallon readjusted the carnival mask on his head. It was hiding half of his face, letting his mouth visible. He was wearing a white suit jacket and white dress pants, with a black flower shirt tugged in it.
He was accompanied by Josh and Tyler, but they got stopped by a guard at the entry of the nightclub.

"I need to see your invitations," he said.

Dallon shown him a paper. It had been hard, but he managed to get three invitations.

"James, Robert and William?" the guard read.

"Yeah, I'm James," Dallon said with a friendly smile.

They were undercover. They even had fake IDs, just in case.

"Okay, you can go," he said, seeming annoyed, letting them pass through the entry.

The nightclub was filled with people wearing masks and expensive suits, most of them being alphas.

It was confirming Dallon's suspicions. The informations he got on this party were only rumors, but now he was almost sure it was just a cover to an omega auction.

Dallon took a breath, trying to smell if there was any omega in the room, but it was kinda hard to smell anything else than the strong scents of all the alphas.

"What do we do now?" Tyler asked, looking around.

"I'm not sure..." Dallon replied quietly.

"Maybe we can wait here a little, see what happens?" Josh proposed and Dallon nodded.

He grabbed a glass of wine and tried to act natural, doing small talk with Josh and Tyler while glancing around them, observing people.

That's how he noticed a man with a very elegant red mask, accompanied by several security men. Dallon got a bit closer and he noticed that a person was standing next to the masked man.

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