Chapter 2.

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Brendon knew he was precious.

As a male omega, he learnt that at a very young age.

He was probably three or four when his mother sold him to a very intimidating man. This man locked him here, in this room. He cried a lot at first, missing his mother, but years after years, he got used to his condition. At least he wasn't always hungry and beaten. His mother didn't give him food everyday, she was poor, that's why she sold him. She was also alcoholic and sometimes she was turning her anger on him.

Since he has been locked in this room, people brought him food everyday, making sure he was healthy. Sometimes, they gave him books or magazines to keep him occupied. He hadn't many furnitures in his room, but it was more than what his mother had in her crappy tiny flat. There was a mattress on the floor, with a pillow and some covers. There was also a closet, more occupied by books than by clothes. He only had the same three shirts and pair of pants, but they were comfy and at his size. There were a table and two chairs, made in wood. An old CD player was on it. Brendon loved music, always singing along the songs that was on the few CD he had or on the radio.
Next to it there was a little kitchen, with a small fridge filled by food.
On the left there was a little room with a shower, a sink and a toilet. The water was always warm and the soap smelled like peach, he loved that. From time to time he was allowed to leave his room to go in the one of another omega, that was great, he made friends.

But of course, he thought about escaping sometimes. He missed the outside even if he didn't really have memories of it after all those years of being locked. But he knew the building was surrounded by guards payed by the intimidating man, so it discouraged him every time. He was afraid of them, not wanting to risk to be beaten again.

The intimidating man said that because Brendon was an omega, he had to stay in this room until his eighteenth birthday, protected from the outside world. Then, there will be a big party to celebrate it and he will be bought by an alpha and could leave this room. That was is destiny of omega.

His eighteenth birthday was in three days and Brendon was so excited, but also nervous.

He never met an alpha before, but they were described in some books he read. Alphas were omegas soulmates. They were usually taller than betas and omegas, more imposing, and were able to growl and fight. Brendon learnt the outside could be really dangerous for an omega, but with an alpha by his side to protect him he would have nothing to fear.

Oh, Brendon couldn't wait to see alphas by his own eyes. He bet they smelled wonderful! And he hoped they looked good too...

All these years he had leaned how to be a perfect omega, how to be liked by alphas and how to please them, so the alpha who will buy him will be happy and nice with him. He needed to be perfect for his soulmate.

But he shouldn't be worried about it, right? After all, alphas liked precious things, that's why the betas who were taking care of him, working for the intimidating man, told him to behave and be careful to stay precious.

Yes, Brendon knew he was precious and that's exactly why he was afraid right now. Because blood was running down his hand, escaping from a cut on his pretty porcelain skin.

He didn't mean to do it, the glass of water he was holding slipped from his hands and he cut himself while trying to clean the mess on the floor.

His skin wasn't as perfect anymore and the imperfection will probably still visible in three days, at the party.

At this realization, Brendon started crying.

Soon, a beta entered the room and helped him to remove the pieces of class from the floor. Then, he looked at the cut and clean the blood before putting a bandage on it.

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