Yandere Snow White x Female Reader

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Thank you to anyone who has been reading this!

Y/n pov

Once upon a time, a young girl was cursed with plainness. In a kingdom where a jealous Queen killed those who were beautiful, it was an advantage, but the girl did not have any suitors. Men did not want an ordinary or plain wife, and the other women did not want to spend time with her because they thought they were better than her. She became an outcast and when her family's meat shop went out of business, her family couldn't care for her anymore. She decided to move to the forest.

It's not owned by anyone, so it's free! I can build a house here on my own with these tall trees and it's not even that creepy. Though it is kind of cold. I should have brought a cloak, then again I was pretty much kicked out and I always forget stuff when I'm under too much pressure. I think it's better than the house and the village though. Out here there are no people to talk trash about me and... what the hell is that!

Is that a body? I can't believe I almost walked over that. I should take a closer look.

Y/n turned the body over since it was lying on it's stomach. That was a hunter. They looked like they were attacked by a bear. There was a large scratch on the hunters upper body and it looked fresh. The body hadn't even been decomposing for that long and there were bear tracks. That means that there are bears nearby. I should be careful. Now that I think about it, this was a dumb idea. It is dark now, so I should probably set up my tent. After walking away from the bear, y/n felt watched. It made her hair stand on end, though she ignored the feeling and walked farther. She found a spot and set up the tent. She went to sleep and closed her eyes.

Where am I? It looks like an old shack. Something is off about it and I don't know what. In the distance it looked like a lady was crouched down.

"Hey who are you?" y/n said.

The lady did not answer. She slowly got up, but did not turn around. This action brought shivers down y/n's spine. What is wrong with me? Why do I feel so scared?

"You do not have to be scared of me y/n. I have been watching you for a while and you belong to me, so don't resist. You should probably wake up by now."

As if on cue, y/n woke up with a gasp.

WHAT WAS THAT? No matter, it was just a dream. Just a figment of my imagination.

The dream bothered y/n all day. Nevertheless, she decided to look for food. Luckily, her tent was close to a water source, so she didn't have to worry about water. If I find an animal carcass that seems fresh, I will be fine. I should probably stay away from berries, since there are some that are poisonous. Y/n looked around for an hour, but she could not find an animal carcass.

"Are you looking for this?" a voice rang out. In front of y/n was a gorgeous lady who was... carrying a deer carcass? She had hair black as night, skin white as snow, and was wearing a black and purple dress.

"Where did you get that dress from?"

"I took it after killing the Queen. She visited my cottage and tried to trick me, but I gave her a taste of her own medicine." She said this is a fake innocent voice.

The voice sounded familiar.

"What do you want?"

"What a silly question. You of course. Come quietly or you will have the same fate."

Y/n was scared and didn't know what to do at this point, so she just ran. She ignored the sound of annoyance from the strange lady and ran for her life. She soon felt like she was being chased. She looked behind and there was a group of animals that were in pursuit. By doing this though, she tripped on a root, but didn't fall and kept running.

She also noticed that some small birds were getting closer.

How can I lose them? Oh, there a cottage! It seems nice and the animals won't get inside.

Y/n dashed towards the cottage, but what she saw next made her heart skip a beat. There were small bodies everywhere. They looked like they were sleeping. She approached the small one with a purple hat and tried to wake him up.  She couldn't.

"The animals lead you to my house and you will stay here happily ever after."

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