Chapter 3

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A/N: okay so this story doesn't go with the actual dates that are right now if you couldn't already tell, so even though I may be posting on Christmas, it wont be a christmas chapter, its not Christmas yet in the story. There will be Christmas in this but it will be later in the story. Just thought I would let y'all know.

Daniella's P.O.V:

My mom and dad were not happy about me getting in trouble. Not only did I get an hour long lecture, but I got my phone and laptop taken away. I have to be home by 8:00 every night, and I can't go out with friends for a week. They said when I learn to be more responsible I can earn my things and my privileges back. I didnt complain, because that would most likely make them keep my stuff even longer, so i just went up to my room.


Today my janitorial work after school with Matthew starts. I'm not thrilled, I'm just going to try to get it over with so it wont take to long.

I headed out of the driveway to go pick up Lizzie. Once I got to her house, I beeped the horn since I couldnt text her to let her know I was here.

"Hey how com you didnt text me back last night?" She asked as she got into the car.

"I got my phone, taken away," I sighed.

"For what?" She chuckled.

"Long story,"

"I'm all ears," she sat back as I pulled out of her driveway. The rest of the way to school I filled her in on everything that happened.

"Sucks for you!" She pointed at me, laughing.

"Ha ha very funny." I sarcastically replied.

"So how long is it for?"

"Like a month or something." I said as we got out of the car and headed into school.

"Looks like you to will be spending a lot of time together." She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Stop," I laughed.

"Alright so I will meet you at your locker after school?"

"Okay," I said as we headed to class.


"Alright class, I hope you all are rehearsing because your scenes will be coming up soon. I have decided to give you this class period to do a little more rehearsing. I want you to do as well as possible, so get started!"

Matthew hadn't shown up to class yet, so I was left on my own. I decided to just read over my notes and kind of rehearse in my head.

The class slowly came to an end, and Matthew never showed up. Once the bell rang, I packed my things and headed to my locker. Lizzie met me there and we talked for a little bit.

Once I had all my things from my locker and the school was empty, I started with my after school hell that I dreaded greatly. I was supposed to meet the school janitor in the office after school so he could assign me something to do.

"Have fun cleaning!" Lizzie chimed before she left.

I walked over to the office and sat and waited for him to come.

A few minutes later the person I assumed was the janitor walked in.

"You the kid that's helpin me?"

"Yeah, I'm Daniella." I held out my hand to shake his.

"Okay, I need you to mop in the science room, they dissected frogs today and it's pretty slimy!" he said, totally ignoring my kind gesture.

Strong; A Matthew Espinosa fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن