Chapter 2

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Daniella's P.O.V:

"He dated all those girls at once?"

"Yup, all three of em," Lizzie said as we walked into my house. The rest of the group went home since they had other things to do so Lizzie came over.

"He tries to get with every girl in the school," she added, "but some people aren't dumb enough to fall for it."

"Did you?" I asked.

"No, of course not, but Alicia did," She said. Alicia is one of the girls I met at lunch today, she's sweet.

"What happened?"

"They dated for a while and he just broke up with her, for no reason, just because he was 'sick of being tied down' or some bull shit excuse like that,"

"I have to do a scene with this kid, what if he pulls something?"

"You have to resist Danny, whatever you do, you can't fall into the trap," she got serious.

"I won't, it's only a scene," I say as we make our way to my room and begin our homework.

Once I'm done with everything I take a look at the play. Everything seemed fine until I get to the last line which ends with,

My jaw drops along with the sheets as I fall on top of my bed. I mean it's just a kiss. But knowing what Matthew does to girls, it won't be "just a kiss". I'll probably get herpes or something.

Lizzie gets up and puts the papers back in order, "What?"

I pointed to the script and she began to read it. As she finished a hand covered her mouth.

"Danny you have to kiss him,"

"I know,"


I woke up the next morning, once again, by the sound of my alarm. I got up quickly and turned it off. I sighed as I began with my morning routine.

Once I finished everything, I headed downstairs, yelled goodbye to my parents, and left.

I shut my car door once I made it to school and locked it. I always make sure to see hit the lock button on my keys 3 times, I'm not sure why, but I do. I continued to the school and met up with Lizzie.

We walked to each others lockers and headed to our first class. As we turned the corner I nearly fell when I bumped into someone. My binder slid onto the floor as its contents went all across the hall.

"Watch where your going," I said looking up to see Matthew was the person I bumped into.

"Hey, Danny, if I remember correctly, you bumped into me," he said.

I rolled my eyes and turned around to pick up my binder and papers that fell.

"Are we practicing today?" I asked

"Yeah, I asked to use the auditorium,"


"Okay." I turned and continued to my class.

Soon enough it was lunch, and after that, drama class rolled by.

We didn't really do that much. We just talked about what we had to prepare and things like that. Matthew was actually pretty good at this stuff, usually he acts like a total ass, but in this class you can tell he really likes it and wants to learn, which is good.

Strong; A Matthew Espinosa fanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon