Chapter 25

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Edmund couldn't believe that Master Phillips of all people had a negro baby. After Edmund suggested it, Master Phillips nodded, confirming that he has a black child. Then slowly the frail man took a seat. Master Phillips wiped his mouth that became wet from his coughing.

"Well, did you sell her?" Edmund asked Master Phillips. That especially got the Master's attention.

"Sell her? Why would I do such a thing?" Master Phillips laughed out. "I loved her. And so I kept her. Kept the child too."

"Does the child appear to have white blood? What did you tell your wife?" Edmund asked in disbelief.

"Many slaves come out yellow amongst themselves without ever laying with a white man in generations." Master Phillips waved his hand. "No one suspected the light complexion of the child. They just figured it was drawn from the mother, who is also fair."

Edmund became quiet for a moment. Then he dared to ask more. "Are they still present on this plantation?"

"I stopped seeing the slave years ago. She still bid to see me, but I refuse for her to come near to me. An old and tired man such as I." Edmund laughed. "She now sees one of the indentured servants. An Irish man. I disapprove of it, however. If they ever approach me for marriage, I'd likely refuse."

"I see." Edmund paused to take in all of the information he just learned. "If you yourself loved a negro, why is it that you are against your son doing such a thing?"

"Because the child is not much younger than Thomas." Master Phillips answered. "And she is beautiful too. I fear if he were to love any negro, it would be her."

"Why not tell him it is his sister?" Edmund asked the old man. That caused the old man to cough hard.

"No one can know!" Master Phillips shouted as his booming voice returned for a moment. "I'll be damned if anyone knows of my negro child. The only reason I told you is because you're much younger than I with many years ahead of you. I wish for you to be a father figure to my boy. Watch over him and make sure he stays away from all negroes, not just his sibling."

The thought of Master Phillips eventually leaving this world saddened Edmund. He wondered how such a naïve boy like Thomas would survive running the prestigious plantation. "Just to be clear, what is this negro's name?"

"Mauve." Master Phillips answered. "And don't get any ideas about me. This isn't my cheap way of hiding my child because of shame. I love both of my children. Just because one is black and the other is white does not mean I love either less. The secrecy surrounding Mauve is what must be done to protect both my boy and his family name. And as for my girl, I do not want her to be taunted and preyed on because of me being her father."

"How honorable. So you keep one as an heir to generational wealth and one as a slave." Edmund grunted.

Master Phillips heard the spite in Edmund's voice. He didn't like it at all. "Do not question my reasoning. Do you know what they do to young girls like Mauve? Knowing she's the black daughter of a big plantation owner like me puts her in a tremendous amount of danger. She has the blood of the wealthy but the skin of a negro. I don't want anyone abusing her because of who she is."

"Does she know who she is?" Edmund asked. Master Phillips decided not to answer. The look of guilt on his face only confirmed that Mauve knew not of her true father.

Without anymore question, Edmund followed Master Phillips' orders. He made sure he watched over all slaves with an iron fist. Of course, this in of itself would be dishonorable.

The strict rules and abuses Edmund would inflict on the slaves could make anyone cringe. As time went on, Edmund only craved more power. And so he began to be even harder on slaves.

Edmund was taken out of his memory and brought back to reality. Calmly he walked outside of the manor. There he looked over those working. With the lighting of his rolled cigarette, he joined them to watch over everyone.

In the study, Charity and Thomas spoke of Mauve and Mack's freedom.

"I have to go to Pennsylvania in order to transfer Mauve to her family's home." Thomas told Charity, who sat on his lap while he sat on his desk. Her arms were flung around his neck as she relaxed.

"You cannot just send one of your workers?" Charity asked with a pout, brushing his hair off of his forehead. "I want you here with me."

"No, it's far too risky, poppet." Thomas answered. "It's best if I accompany her so I can prove ownership. Then I can free her upon her arrival."

"You are far too good of a man." Charity smiled as her embrace around his neck tightened. "I wonder how I've gotten so lucky to know you."

"I can say the same for you." Thomas smiled as he kissed Charity. They kissed for a long while, and it felt electrifying for both of them. When their lips finally separated, he pressed their foreheads together. "Charity, if it is possible I would like you to accompany me on the journey."

"To Pennsylvania?" Charity perked up. "Is it wise for me to make such a trip with you? People already suggest you and I know each other in the biblical sense."

"I do not care what others think. You are the one I want next to me as I make that travel." Thomas insisted. His passion would be far too great if he were to separate from Charity. "I think I may die if I'm away from you for so many days."

Once again they kissed one another. Thomas hummed as his lips rolled along Charity's. His hand held her waist while she sat there on his lap.

"So what is your answer? Do you wish to accompany me?" Thomas asked. Charity remembered Tootsie warning her not to get close to Mr. Phillips. But attending such an important voyage was far too tempting!

"Of course!" Charity smiled. She left many kisses all over his face with excitement. "And it will be a chance for you and I to be alone. Just you, myself, Mauve and the driver."

Later in the afternoon, Thomas visited his wife who was laying in bed. The doctor tended to her earlier insisted that she rested after her theatrics the previous night. She looked toward her husband with exhaustion. A slave stood next to her, slowly waving a feathered fan up and down to keep her cool.

When Thomas told Phoebe that Mauve and Mack would be freed, she was furious. "I cannot lose that slave, Mauve! No, I won't have it! You'll do nothing of the sort!"

"Why do you care if she's freed? I thought you'd want her away from you after she foiled your little plan." Thomas stepped closer to his wife's bed.

"It wasn't a plan. It was more of an episode, the doctor calls it. Sometimes women feel a sense of hysteria when they fell run down. The source of the distress is directly from the womb."

"Then you must feel such distress daily." Thomas joked. Phoebe dramatically threw her arm over her face as she laid there, the light linen of her nightgown sleeve flowing with her movement.

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