jokey twenty eight-y (#8 not #80 im not delusional)

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the moth drank some sloth broth then flew to the cloth and met up with the mammoth

the cat sat on the bat and ate a rat and then became fat and went to the bathroom to release some scat and flung himself at the toilet handle in at attempt to swat it but failed so he ate some nonfat yogurt and and then checked the thermostat then went to chat with Nat

the lark called clark sat on the dog which caused it to bark and build an ark but made a spark which caused a fire then jumped off of an arc into a lake and made some watermarks

a snoring boar slept on four oars but swore when the oars broke which caused him to be sore

dee the bee found three skis so he said whee in glee but screamed like a banshee when he lost his key so he couldn't drink tea and exclaim yippee and whoopee anymore so he climbed a tree

heh heh horrible rhymes oh well

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