Chapter 1- The first meeting

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(F/N) = First name

(L/N) = Last name

(Y/N) = Your name, it can be your first name, last name or both 

(E/C) = Eye color 

~!Your p.o.v.!~

I was slowly walking down the street, face in my phone. Suddenly I bumped into something and fell to the ground, butt first, also dropping my phone in the process...fuck..

"Ow!" I exclaimed. "O-Oh! I'm so so sorry!!" I hear a male voice say. I looked up to see the male still standing up, looking down at me a bit worried. He had yellow hair that was kind of long and that had a black lightning bolt on one of the sides. 'Damn his hair look nice' 

 "Here, let me help you up" he said while leaning down a little, holding his hand out for me to take..

I looked at his hand for a little moment, deciding if I should take it or not, I mean I just met him today just a minute or so ago. Can I really trust him? There is so many assholes in this world. What if he's one of them? 

'But he looks so nice and friendly...and cute hehe.. WAIT WTF (Y/N)?! You. Just. Met. HIM!'

..I took his hand in mine and he helped me up on my feet again..

'He really is a nice person!..And cute..OH GOSH STOP THINKING THAT!..Fine,fine he's adorable hehe...I GIVE UP!'  I started to blush a little after the little war I had in my brain with myself, I hope he don't notice it. Wait what if he has a mind reading quirk?! Then I'm fuc- 

"You are a quiet type, aren't ya? And also here" I heard the male say, while giving my phone back, which snapped me out of my thoughts and back to the real world. "N-no, normally not! I just got too deep into my thoughts, that's it! And also thank you" "Heh no problemo, by the was my name is Denki, Denki Kaminari! It's not often you see such pretty girl on the street, and you seem to already fall for me" the ma- Denki said.

'Is he..flirting..? With me?? Why?... Ooh seems like your crush already loves you back~ I DON'T HAVE A FUCKING CRUSH, OK!? Whatever you say..' I need to stop having conversations with myself like this in my brain..

"Hehe, someone is slowly turning into a tomato~" Fuck he could see my blush! "Oh shut up!" I said as I jokingly punched his arm a little. 

"(F/N) by the way" I said, realizing I haven't told Denki my name yet. "Hm?" "(F/N), (F/N) (L/N)! That's my name" I told him. "A pretty name for a pretty girl, but I rather call you 'mine'" He smirked while saying that.

What's with all the damn flirting?! I started to blush more, trying to hide my face.

But Denki wouldn't let me, he gently lifted my chin up so I looked right into his eyes, his yellow-gold eyes. Not only did this make me blush more, but it also made me realize how much taller he is than me.

...It was quiet for a little moment..

 "Don't even try to hide your cute little face!" He said while taking his hand of my chin and blush a little. "First of, my fac-" My phone started to buzz in my pocket so I looked at it and saw a text from my mom, saying that I needed to get home..Fuck, I didn't wanna leave Denki..But I needed to. "I'm sorry I need to go! I hope to see you soon again!" I said to Denki, pretty quick, and then ran towards my house.

~!Denki's p.o.v.!~

I just stood there, looking at her as she ran.. And damn that ass..But now it's not the time to be a pervert or think about her, I mean the chance of us meeting again is so small, so it's better to just forget about her.

...Even though I never wish to forget about her...

Her beautiful (E/C) eyes, just looking right into mine... It was so peaceful.

... this l-love..?




"I need to meet her again sometime.."

My little Pikachu (Denki Kaminari x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now