Chapter 4- Changing school

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(S/N) = Your school' name

~!Your p.o.v.!~

I was sitting in my boring math class. But I wasn't  paying attention to what the teacher was saying in the front of the classroom. I was in my own thoughts like usual. I was thinking about how to tell (F/N) that I'm changing school in the best way possible.

Yes, changing school. 

In just a few days I'll change into U.A!

Ever since I first got my quirk people have been telling me how amazing and cool my quirk is. Many people at the school I'm in right now, (S/N), have told me that I should try to get into U.A.

I tried to get in.

Guess what! And I did actually did get in!!

I got snapped out of my thoughts as the school bell rang, telling us that school's over for today. I took my things from my desk and started to walk out from the classroom towards my locker.

As I got there (F/N) had already gotten her things and all. Her looker is about two meters away from mine. But right now they was standing beside my locker, waiting for me, like she usually does.

It's now or never...

"Hey.. (F/N)? I need to tell you something.." I said while taking things from my locker, putting it in my bag. "What is it?" they asked.

There was a moment of silence before I answered. "I'm going to change school.. to U.A"

"OMG! I'm so happy for you! You really deserve this!!" That's not what I expected. "Wut??" I asked confused. "I mean it's sad that you're changing school, but I'm so happy for you that you're going to U.A!"

After that we started to walk home while chatting.

(F/N) really is a good friend, I'll miss going to school with them..

~!Denki's p.o.v.!~

"And before you all leave, we're going to get a new student to the class in just a few days or so" I heard Mr. Burrito (Mr. Aizawa) say from the front of the classroom.

After that the bell rang. We all in the class went out from the classroom, grabbing our things and then going towards the dorms.


I was sitting in one of the couches, having Sero sitting beside me to my left and Kirishima to my right.

It was very quiet, which was a bit surprising.

"So, about the new student, do you guys think it's a girl or a guy?" I ask, trying to throw the awkward silence out of the window.

"I sure hope that it's a girl~" I look over to the creepy voice to see Mineta, I mean what did I expect? He was just standing a bit away from the couch I was sitting on. Drooling a little.

"OI! Get out of here, you stupid small perverted grape!!" Bakugo yelled as he got over to the couch, sitting down on Kirishima's right side.




The awkward silence was back.

"I hope that it's a girl!" I said when no one else answered my question, well except for Mineta. "You hope that it's (Y/N), don't you Pikachu~" Sero said in a teasing tone.

Now when I think about it, he's right. I do hope that (Y/N) is the new student.. my new classmate...

I started to blush a little thinking about her. i hope the others don't notice.

"I think the little red on your face means yes~" Mina said. Fuck they notice the blush.

When she said that I felt my face getting even hotter, damn it! 

"I-I need to go!" I said as I got up and nearly ran to my dorm. 

I laid down on my bed. I couldn't get (Y/N) out of my head, she like lives there now

And not soon later I fell asleep

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