03: Baangg!

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When Luna and Celine entered the house party of one of their seniors they didn't know it would be that big.

The house was massive inside and outside. It had a big garden along with a very cool swimming pool of the backside of the house.
People from their college were scattered around the whole area. Loud music blasting through the entire place.

Their body automatically started moving along with the music, feeling excitement build inside them.

"Waoh...who owns this house actually? that motherfucker is rich", Celine stated loudly through the music to luna.

"True shit", luna answered as she took a seat at the bar.

They ordered themselves two glasses of whiskey as they waited for their drinks to come.

"People are already on each others face and the party has just started", Luna said, a slight disgust evident on her face.

Their eyes roamed around the house, taking in all the details. A large glass staircase went up to the second floor of the house.

The house was dimmed to dark lighting. Disco light was lighted around the whole house. There was dance floor at the middle of the house and also at the outside garden.

"Here are your drinks, ma'am", the bartender slide down the long waited drinks to them with a smile on.

They smiled and nodded as a thank you.

"Let's enjoy tonight as much as we can", Celine held out her glass towards Luna for a cheers.

"Let's get it!", Luna shouted through loud music as they gulped down their drinks.

After a while of drinking and laughing with some of their classmates, the girls decided it was time for them to finally let loose and dance. They headed towards dance floor, pushing around sweaty and smelly bodies. When the song changed to Mi Gente all the people cheered and danced like there's no tomorrow.

Luna and Celine was a good dancer. Their bodies moved skillfully to the music, hitting every beat as they laughed. Screaming the lyrics at the top of their lungs they felt themselves being carried away by the music.

"We rocked it down there!!", Luna shouted through the loud music,breathing heavily after all the dancing they did.

"We always do!", said Celine.

They took a seat on a couch at the corner and Celine took out her phone to watch the time. It was 2:13am.

"I think we should head home now. It's already late and we wouldn't want Yoongi to lecture us", she said to luna, putting her phone back into her jacket's pocket.

Luna nodded, agreeing to her words and got up. "Yeah, okay. Let's go"

"You go ahead. I'll just go to the bathroom for a minute", Celine got up as well and pointed to the bathroom at the end of the hallway.

"Don't be late"

"I won't"

The hallway was packed with couples making out here and there. She shook her head, heading straight to the said destination.
When she finished her business, she got out, wiping her hands with the tissue before throwing it to the nearby dustbin.

She lifted her gaze and looked at one couple seeing the guy literally sucking on the girls face.

She was about to pass them when she noticed something. She looked at the guy's butt or his back pocket seeing his money bag was this close to falling out or to be picked by someone.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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